Part 2

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I ran to him and hugged him tightly. "You're here!" I smiled. "You didn't ditch me!" I shouted again and received a smile from him. He surprised me with a peck on the forehead and said about how precious I was and so on. I was too caught up by his lips. Damn.

I was pulled by him and walked up to my mom and Derek inside the restaurant. "Didn't know you brought someone today." My mom said after the waiter left out table. "It's been Long since you've had someone."

"Actually ma'am, I've been seeing her since early start of the year." Justin said and swallowed the wine, his Adam's apple bobbed.

"Ohh, she's a lot to handle." Derek said.

"Actually, once you know the key to her heart, it's easy. She's also the goofiest person I know." Justin put his hand on my thigh and kissed my temple.

"True. When she was young, she would steal condoms from my room and use it as a glove." My mom laughed. Everyone at the table laughed including me. Yes, laughing the humiliation away.

"Mom, stop." I glared at her. "No way. I've got so much photos of her at home. Why don't you join us for dinner some other time?" My mom smiled at Justin. "Today was special because my Brother just opened up this restaurant." My mom shrugged and Justin nodded at her question.

We continued dinner with a few more conversations then we walked our way outside. "Well, since you did what you said which is coming here to have dinner with all of us, I owe you a kiss." I said to him.

We were alone, I was leaning against his car while he was standing over me. Mom and Derek was standing at their car, waiting for me.

I came closer to him, closing my eyes and pecked his lips. Before I knew it, his hands were and the back of my head and my waist, securing me and this was no longer a peck. It was a make out session. Once he ruined my lipstick, he kissed my cheek and whispered, "I'll see you tomorrow? I'll bring you lunch. And you look hot today." I laughed and dismissed myself from him and went inside the car with my mom.

"Why is he all touchy?" Mom spoke up after the uncomfortable silence and the glancing game.

"Well, we just want to make you guys feel uncomfortable. That's how I feel when you guys get too touchy in front of me." I said and watched a video on YouTube loudly, without earpiece to make the silence go away.

Right after we reached home, I didn't bother to shower. I changed and propped myself on the bed. I closed my eyes and went into deep sleep.

The next morning was the same schedule but my shift only started at three.

"Alright, try to get home early." My mom said just as I slammed my bedroom door to get my uniform and leave the house.

My heart leaps when I saw Justin's name on my phone, ringing. "Hey, we're still on, right?" He breaths heavily.

"Why are you breathing like a dog? And yes, I'm just getting my things and we can meet there," he chuckles at the end of the sentence.

"I just jerked off on your picture on Instagram." I started making noises to show that I was in disgust and he started laughing. "I'm kidding! I just went for a jog. Oh and you look hot on insta." I heard the background full of people singing.

"Okay. See you?" I asked and he mumbled a yes before hanging up the phone.

I got there as fast as I could and I don't believe in the bulls.hit where guys have to be there before girls do. It just shows how you care for the person. It's like if you really care for the person, you wouldn't make me wait for two hours for you and say there was a traffic jam. It's all about the attitude.

"So you're going back to work after this?" He slurps on his noodles. I nodded with my mouth full. "How old are you again?"

"Twenty five."

"And you're still living with your Mom?" He said, disbelieve.

"Yes, but she's finding me one now." I wiped the corner of my mouth with the napkin.

"Do you mind having a roommate? Cause I'm desperately finding one now." He raised an eyebrow at me. I just shrugged.

"We'll have to see about that. I'll have to ask my mom, I'm scared she found one for me already." I smiled. "But I'll keep that in mind."

Once lunch was done, he sent me to work and wished me luck and not to work too hard. Well, today the clinic was hectic. Really messy and loud, uncontrollable noises.

"Hey, the next one is a rabbit. Pretty scary if you ask me. Be careful." Angela said after she sent me a folder. I thought it was a normal case of rabbit but when the owner and the rabbit came in, it was so sad and to be honest, I was triggered.

The rabbit's fur was gone, most of them, it could barely stand on all fours and whimpering. "Alright, what's your name?" I said and caress its head.

"Joe. It's been scalped by my Wife. Can it grow the fur back?" The man answered.

"I'm not too sure. Let me just check if there's broken bones or anything severe."

After doing the checks and sending him back, that was my last patient. As I smiled and Angela and left the clinic still in my uniform, I was too tired to change it back, I was shocked at the sound of horning from the black car just in front of the clinic. Just then, Derek came out.

"I thought you wanted a ride. You were supposed to be home an hour ago. Madeline is worried about you." He grabbed my elbow.

"You can't blame me. At least I'm here to make someone's day better." I rolled my eyes at him and yanked my hand away.

Just then Angela walked out, and locking the glass door. "You're not home yet? And please don't tell Maggie that I closed early. I wanna have an early night with Chris." She winked at me. "Oh, hey Derek!"

He only smiled at her and looked at me. "Come on. Don't make it harder."

"I think I got this." The familiar voice booms and shut Derek up.


Read my new book! Please please! :)

Not proofread btw

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