Part 2

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I gasped and almost dropped my bag at the scene. I was going to vomit anytime soon.

My Husband was holding a f.ucking whip in his hand while hitting a woman's back with it. And let's not forget she's naked, tied on the desk like a f.ucking animal test s.hit.

I Guess he heard me gasp and both of them turned their heads to me. Oh, this is getting better. She has a f.ucking red gag in her mouth.

"It's not-"

"What it looks like." I continued. He dropped the whip and walked towards me and the woman started mumbling things. "You my want to remove her from your table before you come to me, sadistic b.itch." I spat and walked as fast as I could and I think today was the worst day!

I forgot which level my car was parked. Yay. I mentally face palmed myself.

Each level I went through and pressed the unlock button to hear anything. So when I was at level eight, I heard the same sound as my car. I sighed and quickly get inside and drove home.

I wanted to cry and kill myself at the moment because of what I just found out but I kept my cool and continue driving and keep banging my head on the steering wheel when it's on a red light. Soon after, I gave up and break down in front of my house.

"Why am I so stupid? All this while he was home late, his pants were unzipped when he was home, perfume smell like a woman stuck on his clothing, lipstick stains and those nights when he come back drunk and mumbling names." I whispered to myself.

Why didn't I leave him when I had instincts that he was cheating?

Why did I give him chances after chances?


Once I was in the house, I didn't know whether to pack and leave or give him chance to explain.

Explain what? Are you stupid? He cheated. God knows how many women he did it to. Probably with his previous assistants too. The voice in my head said.

I shook it off and ran up the stairs and I heard the door opened.

"Char, you're not going anywhere. I'm trying to explain what had happened in the room just now."

"I'm not dumb. You're clearly a sadist. God, why did I choose you as a Husband again?" I stopped at the step and faced him. He walked up the stairs and gave me a murderous glare.

"I'm not taking 'no' as an answer!" He screamed at me.

I was terrified.

I quickly run into the nearest room and locked the door.

Damn it! My phone is in the car! I sat on the bed with fear and looked at the doorknob as it turned vigorously. "I'm not gonna hurt you, babe." I heard him sigh at the end.

"I know you're inside and you're listening. Yes, I'm a sadist. I just like things to go my way. That woman was the last one before we married and she wanted it like the last time. I had no choice."

"You said you like things going your way, it means you wanted it too!" I screamed and my voice betrayed me as it cracked in the middle of the sentence.

"Baby, don't cry. I don't like it when you cry. Please, let me in." His voice soften.

I rummage through the closet and get my things and packed it in my luggage. I kept a straight face and tried being fearless. I unlocked the door and saw Justin standing, leaning on the wall.

"Where- where are you going?" He asked frantically.

"I think I need some space." I looked down.

"Please, don't. I need you."

"It doesn't seems like it when you were hitting her with a fre.aking whip." I rolled my eyes. I walked towards the stairs and he yanked me back and I dropped my luggage. He was literally dragging me into our bedroom and throw me on the bed.

"What? You want it to be you, then?" He laughed.

He removed his belt while one of his feet was on my lower part of my leg so that I could run away. I struggled my way but I doesn't seem to be working.

"Stop moving!" He grasped my dress and tore it off my body. He used his force to turn me. I was facing the bed and he started hitting my back with it.

A couple number of it and he stopped when he heard me crying. I noticed that his hands wasn't on my and I heard his belt dropped. I quickly moved to the other side of the bed and hugged my knees.

"God damn it!" I heard him hissed. "I didn't mean to. I just- I was angry. Baby, look at me." I looked up at him, still not moving.

He sat on the bed and put his head low.

"What-what is that?" He stood up and walked to the dressing table.

No. No. Please not now.

"You're pregnant?" He said, sound a little surprised. "Oh, God.  I didn't mean to do it on you like that." He came closer but all I did was screamed my heart out.

I started choking on my own saliva. I was going crazy!

"I'll give you your time. Remember, I love you." He said calmly and reach out for my slowly. He carefully put an arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead.

"I love you too." I whispered through the thin air, to no one.


QUITE DISTURBING HAHA! I didn't want to use the word ass while he hit her cos it's like weird, haha!!!

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