Part 4

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"Thank you for your help. You can wait at the front first, ya." Jack said and continued sorting the files.

It was one of my daily basis that I went to the orphanage as a volunteer. It was since I was fourteen I went as a volunteer.

Also, me and Jack would drive here and went home together. He stayed next to our mansion but he was there with his parents before me and Justin even moved there. "Alright! All done!" He shouted from the front counter. I heard footsteps and soon, he came out and pulled his car keys out from his jeans pocket.

He rested an arm around my waist and we walked together to his car.

"Yo! That's my f.ucking wife you're holding!" I heard a familiar voice called out from the front. Looking up, I saw Justin taking off his motorcycle helmet and ran to us. His balled fist connected with Jack's cheek and then he pulled me by my upper arm. "Didn't I tell you to not hang out with this d.ickhead?" He raised his voice and I'm pretty sure Jack could hear him.

"We were just done with volunteering!" I shouted back but regretted it as soon as he brought up his hand but it was half-way stopped as Jack came around again to push him away from me.

"Don't you f.ucking dare to touch her! I could call the police and dump you sorry white in jail!" He shouted at Justin but Justin's hand was on his head, between his long hair.

"Who says I'm going to hit her? Look, Kristella, get on my bike. I have something to tell you." He threw me a helmet but me being a poor catcher, the helmet dropped on the floor. "F.ucking shit! You can't even do shit. F.ucking s.tupid a.ssh.ole." He growled and took the helmet then forcing it to my head.

Walking behind him and following his steps, I got onto the back of his motorcycle and hold tight on his waist as he raced the tracks.

"You can let go now." He said calmly. I shook my head and tighten the my arms around his waist. "You won't fall. I'll catch you if you do. Just spread your arms... And get the duck down my motorcycle!" He shouted at me for the last part.

I let go of my hands that were around his waist and slowly, one leg after another and then got off the bike.

"I'm alive!"

"Yes you are. Get in the house." I followed his ordered and when I got into our house, his family and my aunties and uncles were here too.

"You guys are getting a divorce. Why is that so? You guys were so great together." Jeremy spoke in a calming voice.

Then, Justin came into the house with both helmets in his arms. "Alright, I'm ready for whatever they're going to do to me. Just tell them what our marriage was like two years ago. I'm ready to get your uncles and cousins punch me in the face." He said and crosse his arms over his chest.

"And balls." Uncle Joe continued. He was my uncle but he was the youngest as somehow my grandparents have him when all the other siblings and their kids were over twenty years old so I treat him more like a cousin than an uncle.

"Why? Why should I tell them?" I said, my voice was rather a whisper.

"Because they have the right to know and I want to show them and you that I really want to change and that you are everything to me even though I treated you like shit. And you can tell them that our relationship was all based on a lie and was just to please our parents but now, I know that I need you in my life. I may deny it before but now, it's true. You're everything to me."

"Let's just say he didn't treats like a husband should treat a wife." I said and sighed. "I've been wanting to tell uncle Joe about this but... But he would beat me up."


I was woken up by the sound of rain hitting on my window. It was a nice nap I had after our family had left.

Justin was still in the living room, I guess. He had been trying to fix his dark blue eyes and bust lips but it wasn't working.

"You should go to sleep." A husky voice said from the door. By just moving my head, I saw Justin leaning his body on the door frame. He soon walked into the room and sat next to me. He took my hand and put it in his. "Your wedding ring. You're still wearing it." Even though it was dark, I could feel him smile when he was taking.

"Yea. I never took it off." I replied truthfully.

"You know I really want this marriage to work out, am I right?" He asked my and kissed my knuckles.

I nod at him then he lets go of my hand and moved it to my stomach. So, his hand was over mine. He was moving it in circles and when he leant in, I could see his pearly white tooth. "I saw your appointment card. It's tomorrow, am I right?"

"Yes. Why? You wanna come with me?"

"No. I can't. I have work tomorrow."

"Oh." To be honest, I was disappointed.

"No, I was just kidding. Of course I'm coming with you." He kissed my cheek. "Let's sleep." He laid on the bed with me, my back was pressed to his and our hands were intertwined together as we slept the night.

The next morning went absolutely great. We had chocolate pancakes with syrup in the morning and milkshake then we went for a little jogging which I hated it, but I was forced by Justin and then we went to meet doctor Marco.

"Alright, your baby is healthy and you are pregnant for three months and two weeks now." I pulled down my shirt and walked back to my seat, next to Justin.

"If it's three months, why aren't there a bigger bump? It's the same since the last month." Justin stated and put an arm over my shoulder.

"She's a petite size woman so baca use of that the size of the bump isn't that big but don't worry, everything is good. Is there any enquiries?" He asked us while typing something on his key board.

"No, thank you." I said politely and stood up from the chair and we went out of the room.

"Do you want any lunch?" He asked my and sling my bag across his shoulder.

"I'm hungry. But can we have McDonald's?" I asked him as I rubbed my stomach.

"You just ate oily food a few days ago. Let's eat a more healthier food." He suggested.

"Like what?"

"Like... We can have yogurt now and then we'll have pasta? Okay?"

"I really want to repeat that word but I don't want to have the fault in our star s.hit." I said and we started laughing.

I have a feeling that this marriage would be saved and we won't have to sign for a divorce already and the baby in stomach would have a perfect family.



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