Part 2

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"You should probably stop eating donuts." Jake said to me. He was like a father to me since I hadn't had one since he passed away in an accident few months after I was born, that's what my mom always said.

"Why not? It's nice and it's been a long time since I ate chocolate donuts." I said.

He chuckled before continued. "That doesn't mean you have to eat three full boxes." He sat down opposite me and opened up his lunch box, two piece of chicken and a few pieces of nuggets with packets of chili sauces.

"Julie! One of the patients had been crazed! He have been calling you and he and been throwing tantrums!" A nurse came up to me and I dropped my donut and followed her and we went a ward only to figure out it was Justin's.

"Hey, it's me Juliet." I knocked twice before twisting the doorknob and entered the room. It was a full mess. When I set my right leg in the room, Justin hugged me he. A tight hug that can make your lung burst out of breath. "Can't... Breathe..." I said and he lets go.

"I missed you. I went crazy and shit. Where were you?" He asked.

"Having donuts for lunch. Come on. Let's get you on bed and then I can accompany you." I said. With him, it's like treating and talking to a four year old kid. "You know, Doctor Scott said you can be discharge tomorrow? Isn't it a great thing?" I smiled at him and picked up the plastic vase that was on the floor and put it on the table. Then, I took his blanket and folded it and laid it over him.

"I guess but I can't see you anymore." He smiled.

I chuckled and then he huffed. "Sweet dreams." I said and sat at the arm rest chair while observing him while he sleeps.


"Someone is here to see you, Jules." A female voice said and I went to the front line only to see Justin in a leather jacket his clear white shirt and his black jeans. He was discharged two days ago. He visited me today. He did visited me yesterday but only for a while because he was called back to work.

"Hey." I said and he replied with a smile. A big one.

"You know, some of your colleagues can sing? And I can sing too?" He asked me, suddenly.

I raised my eyebrows at him, confused and then suddenly Mac, she was the senior sister among us, came started singing a few lines of a song I don't even know and then James came along with a few of the nurses, even doctors.

"I choose you... I choose you... I choose you..." Justin sang to me the last line and got on one knee and then people were throwing roses petals at us and he took out a fairly large square maroon box. "I choose you. From the bottom of my heart, please believe me. I feel lost without you even though I only knew you in this like two weeks maybe?" He opened up the box and the was a huge diamond necklace and a bracelet along with a beautiful ring. "Accept this, please. And be my girlfriend!" He cheered.

People surrounded us and cheering, 'please say yes!'

I nodded and said yes a few seconds later. He stood up and then kissed my lips and then we were returned with a whole lot of applause.

"Thank you." He smiled at them and kissed my cheek.

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