[ xxxvi :: myths ]

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...she's not my girl, she's not my babe.

My stomach's in pain,

I hope I don't throw up all over what you told

But it hurts oh no no.

I can't even, I can't even believe what you did to me.

- "#icanteven" || The Neighbourhood


"On it he made the earth, and sky, and sea, the weariless sun and the moon waxing full, and all the constellations that crown the heavens, Pleiades and Hyades, the mighty Orion and the Bear, which men also call by the name of Wain: she wheels 'round in the same place and watches for Orion, and is the only one not to bathe in Ocean..."

Zayn doodles random pictures in the corner of his notebook as he sighs tiredly. It's ten minutes into his Astronomy class and already he's bored out of his mind. Anais is running late, having texted him a, On my way hehe sorry, and so now he has to suffer through this portion of class without her.

It's just been that kind of day, and Zayn is counting down the hours until 8 o'clock, when this class finally ends.

First of all, he woke up that morning to Louis and Niall and Harry, who'd slept over because his place with Li was 'too cold.'

Harry's words, not his.

Of course, his mates had been talking about Soo's party, because in all honesty, that was all Louis ever wanted to talk about, lately.

Apparently, Lou had already bought her her gift, and because of that, he whole-heartedly expected his friends to also get something as great as he had.

Or else.

Louis' words, not his.

"Well, I'm going with Ana to get her a gift," Harry had smiled cheekily.

Niall had snorted. "You sound so excited, Haz."

And Harry had responded, "I am. I like Anais," and he'd nudged Zayn. "I never get to see her 'cause she's always with you."

Niall had laughed. "I wonder why."

And naturally, Zayn had looked up.

He'd also rolled his eyes.

"Again? Like, again with this? Really?"

And here is where Louis had interjected: "You used to fancy her a bit, didn't you Haz?"

And naturally, Zayn had looked to Harry, as naturally, Harry had looked back at Zayn.

"I mean," Harry had shrugged, stating, mostly to Zayn and only a bit to Lou, "it was y'know, it was, y'know. It was just a crush."

"She's fit," Niall had agreed. "B'sides," he'd shrugged, "you're not the only one who's liked Anais."

And Louis had nodded. "And you're not gonna be the last, I promise ya."

Those words kind of put Zayn in a weird mood.

I mean, it's not like he didn't know these things, but he didn't exactly like thinking about them, because which guy likes imagining his girlfriend with other guys? Zayn thinks 'no one.' And the whole, 'Harry-used-to-like-Anais-thing,' came as a shock to him. He didn't know that. So, how come it seems like his mates did?

Harry, being the friend that he was, noticed this mood and tapped Zayn. "Look, Zayn, I promise, I don't," he'd shook his head of hair, "I swear I don't, I wouldn't, ever try to take Anais from you. Wouldn't dream of it. I promise."

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