Oh God. I Think That's Blood.

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Let me tell you about a little thing called periods.

Or as I like to call them, the devil's juice. Period blood is the lining of your uterus along with a little bit of blood. Think of it like this, your uterus preps for a visitor named sperm. It pulls out everything, nice rugs, pretty pillows, and some red wine. When sperm doesn't show up because it's over at someone else place, uterus gets mad. Uterus starts shredding the place. And the only place to put the after math is in your panties.

It's going to suck. It's going to feel like someone grabbed a hammer and started beating the shit out of you. I advice a heating pad, some chocolate, and someone constantly saying that you are pretty.

Oh, and another thing. You will bloat.

You are going to look in the mirror and notice that your belly looks bigger than usual and your thighs weren't as jiggly.

But it's all good. No one is going to care, unless their a fuckboy. They might care.

But who cares about Jimmy?

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