That Pearl Looks Very Polished

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Polishing the pearl.
Flicking the bean.
Finger painting.

Yes my children. It's time to talk about getting down there and working it.

Let's talk about female masturbation.

Female masturbation is such a taboo now and I don't really know why. People with penises do it all the time, hell, they're even encouraged sometimes. They talk very openly about it and talk about porn and busting it out.

But the moment I say that Lisa Marie isn't all that great, I got a lot of wandering eyes. And I finally figured out why. Woman aren't suppose to enjoy sex! I finally figured it out! Woman aren't suppose to enjoy their sexuality and that type of good feeling unless a cis gendered man is there. Even lesbian porn is pointed a lot towards men. It's fucking crazy.

And sometimes girls don't masturbate because they don't know what to do. But this book is already a little R-Rated so I would recommend to just use google.

Masturbation is great. So I'm going to throw out some facts for y'all real quick.

1. It makes you happier
Masturbating releases dopamine and endorphins and all that great stuff that makes you really happy.
2. You become more comfortable with the body
Exploring that beautiful body is always a plus. Also, you get to see what you're comfortable with and what you're not if you are ever ready to have a partner who you feel comfortable with enough to have sex with.
3. It makes you sleepy.
I have a lot of trouble going to sleep. And masturbating relieves tension in your body and makes you sleep better.
4. It's relieves menstrual pain.
Masturbating actually relieves the cramps you get because self stimulating helps relieve contractions from your uterus.

So let's wrap this up. You can masturbate. It's amazing. And you don't have to if you don't want to. It's no pressure. Just know that if you are thinking of masturbating, there are other girls around your age polishing the pearl. Masturbating has many pros and really doesn't have any cons. It's a great thing to do as long as you don't let masturbating rule your life.

So get out there and start polishing that pearl real shiny.

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