You Wanna Hot Body?

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You wanna Bugatti?

You betta work bitch.

No you actually don't. Because who the fuck cares?

Summer is upon us and that may mean swimming if you're near water and it's not freezing where you live. And swimming sometimes means bathing suits. And that word scares people a lot because they think that the moment they show a part of their body that has some fat on it, or people see their thighs jiggle and touch that they'll run away in horror.

But let me tell you a little secret that has been hidden away from you for far too long.

NO ONE GIVES A DIDDLY DAMN ABOUT YOUR THIGHS! No cares that you have stretch marks on your ass and that your back has rolls. Who the fuck cares?

People see their mom naked. That means stretch marks that you made and fat on their thighs and stomach maybe. If you start shaming a girl on that stuff then just think about your mother.

Just imagine having someone in your stomach that you love so much without even knowing them go 9 months. Then spend up to 2 days pushing them out in horrible pain only to have them go on the Internet and shaming woman for just living their own goddamn life.

No one gives a fuck about Jimmy Nike Socks opinion.

So, if you have a body, put a fucking swim suit on. There, that's your summer body. Swimsuit and more Popsicles.

I know it feels like people are staring. I know that horrible feeling. But sometimes you gotta throw your towel off your waist and flaunt it.

The biggest person holding you back is yourself.

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