Virgin Margarita, Please.

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You see, virginity is a weird thing...

It sometimes makes people uncomfortable from just talking about it. So let's talk about it right now.

Virginity is a social idea made to make woman feel bad for having sex. When we talk about sex, most people will feel awkward about it and it will make them feel bad just for having the S-word leave their mouths.

A lot of woman feel that way because we are taught that if we have sex we are no longer pure. We are taught that the moment we have sex, a little something called our V-card will be thrown out the window. Whether we are taught because of religion or just old fashion beliefs, its weird.

Just because you enjoy having a little bit of sexy time with another person doesn't make you a slut, or "impure". Virginity isn't even real. There is no way you can look at a person and say, "They definitely did the horizontal tango with Jimmy."

And that little hymen thing is bullshit too.

Your hymen isn't going break and than you are a slut. People are sometimes not even born with hymens! Some people lose theirs because they were running.

"When did you lose your virginity?"

"6th grade, I was running around the soccer field."

No! That's not what it is.

So those boys that are saying that they have popped a ridiculous amounts of "cherries" have probably only seen their moms boobs. And a porn star with a funny name.

There is way more about virginity I could tell you about, but let's save it for another time.

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