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Oppsie Doopsie (I spelt that horribly wrong.)! Looks like Jimmy forgot to cap he's shooter, or maybe the condom busted, or maybe it was just plain coincidence, but here you are, sitting on the toilet looking at a pregnancy test.

Looks like you have a bun in the oven.

Now, let me just tell you; you're never alone. There has to be one person, just one person you can talk to. Teen pregnancy is a scary thought. You should never have to go through it alone.

There are a few options. You can keep the baby, meaning that you will have a harder time achieving certain things. Don't get me wrong, many people who have babies young still achieve many great things. But you would have to work twice as hard.

Another option is adoption. You have the kid, then you give it to someone else who would hopefully love and care for the child.

Also, their is something called a medical abortion. You take one pill, then you take another. Bada bing bada boom and your done. Their is some heavy bleeding and bad cramps, but hey, what can you do?

Another type of abortion is called aspiration abortion, also known as surgical abortion. Basically, a doctor uses some instruments to get rid of the sucker. Both medical and aspiration abortions cannot be done after a certain point.

I'm not here to talk about if women should be able to have an abortion or not. Them's just the facts. Just telling you that you there are other options besides Jimmy Nike Socks Jr. in a stroller.

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