What is Going on Down There?

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Today, we're talking about your hoo ha.

It's a pretty fantastic thing, vaginas.

I mean, they are capable of so much shit. I mean, they can push an eight pound baby, they can survive a week of blood pouring out of them, they self clean themselves, they can handle things getting pushed into them, among other things. People are always talking about penises, what we should be talking about are vaginas. They are wondrous things.

So, let's talk about it.

Hopefully you know this, but you don't pee out of your vagina. There is actually a urethra right above it. The urethra is where pee is transported to the potty (hopefully the potty.). The vagina is where blood comes out when you have your period. The amazing thing about a vagina is that is practically cleans itself. Yeah you have to clean around it, but the vagina itself keeps itself clean. That doesn't mean you can just shove a pencil up there and be worry free of anything. What it does mean is that you don't actually have to put a douche up there.

Gwyneth Paltrow has been lying to you for years.

Another cool thing about your hoo ha is that there is another super cool thing there. It's called a clit. It has 8,000 nerve endings and you will thank me later for telling you that. But for right now, I'm not saying shit.

I haven't even scratched the surface about the vagina. So I want to assign you some homework, I know, Im terrible. But I want you to just do some internet searching about the vagina. It's actually pretty fascinating and I thing you could really learn some shit about your hoo ha.

So now I leave you with info about how much cooler the vagina is compared to the penis. I suggest you use that in an argument with a person who has a penis.

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