My Eyelids Aren't Really Purple

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Let's talk about makeup!!!

I fucking love makeup it's so great.

So my friend is in the dilemma of when should I start wearing makeup. And of course I weighed in because how could I not? I love makeup.

So, in my own opinion, I think you should start wearing make up when you think your pretty with or without it. You need confidence to wear makeup because without it, you could seriously give yourself some body image problems. I started wearing makeup when I got into high school. And I must admit, it's a lot of fun. I like winding my eyeliner and putting on bold lip choices.

But before you put on makeup, I suggest you ask a parent or a guardian before you start wearing it so that you guys can come to an understanding of what you guys both want for you. Now of course, you don't have to. I don't know everyone's living arrangements. But if you are comfortable talking to someone you should ask.

I went to a local drugstore and got a few things, nothing major. Some mascara, eyeliner, lip gloss, eye shadow, few brushes, and blush. And that was pretty much all I needed for 9th grade. But I suggest you go to Sephora is there is one near you and asking a makeup artist to do your makeup so you know what you're doing when you do it. If you don't have a Sephora, lookup some stuff on YouTube! The Internet is truly a great place.

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