These Heels are Killing Me

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So I don't go to many parties. A few a year and they aren't the crazy parties you see on television. But I went to a pet this past weekend, nothing crazy. It was a party with for my friends birthday and her family was there and friends from school so I didn't do anything bad. Don't worry.

But anyway, let's talk about parties. Because I don't think a lot of people know what to do at a party. I sure didn't when I went to my first one.

You will probably get bored. Brig a friend so that you feel comfortable and so that you have someone to talk to if you have no idea who these other people are.
2. You don't have to dance.
I mean, it's fun dancing. And I would recommend it. But if someone is asking you to dance and you don't want to, just say no. Don't let them pressure you into something you don't want to do.
3. Don't leave your drink unattended.
A lot of us have seen law and order. Be careful! Pour your own drink, if you leave your drink unattended just get another one. Also one of the most popular date rape drugs will taste salty if it is put in a drink. So remember that.
4. Okay twerking is a lot of fun.
Have fun! Seriously twerking is a lot of fun. Twerk with your friends, twerk on someone you like. Twerk on people you don't even want to date. It's okay to let loose sometimes. It's a party. But don't twerk if you don't want to, it's no pressure.
5. Dress comfortably.
Heels look great. I love heels. But if you're going to wear heels, bring a spare pair of comfortable flats. You'll thank yourself later.
6. Ask your parents.
Yeah I know. I'm such a party pooper. But seriously, you should tell your parents that you will be at this certain persons house. You don't have to say party, but say you're hanging out. Because seriously, if something happens to you, it's good to have your parents know where you are.
7. If you see the police....
Just run. I'm serious. Just start running or try and look inconspicuous. Because with the things that's happening now, you may not want to see the police (I have nothing against police officers. They risk their lives, just the system needs some tweaks.). I haven't been to a party that was broken up, but I was invited to one, and I'm so glad that I didn't go.

So my children. Be careful, and have fun! You're probably a teenager, these are your years for fun. But no drinking or drugs. Messing up your liver is not fun.

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