Oh, I Get it. You Were with Her and me. BRB, Gotta Set Fire to Your Clothes

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Getting cheated on sucks.

It more than sucks.

It feels like someone decided to but a blow torch to your heart and then slice it open with a samurai sword.

Don't ever cheat on someone. It hurts and that type of pain no one should endure.

But if Jimmy Nike Socks is cheating on you with the girl from second period, this is what I want you to do. First, get a good cry out. You trusted him, I know it hurts. Just cry into your bowl of ice cream and watch trashy romance movies.

Then, I want you to get revenge.

Watch John Tucker Must Die for inspiration. I was you to make him wish that he was never born. Put his Jordan's in a lake, set he's clothes on fire. Tell his mother. Telling his mother might just be the best revenge you can get these days. I mean, it's technically illegal to cut off a person's dick.

But remember, it isn't your fault. It's theirs.

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