"Dude, I think you're going bald."

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Okay, I know that we're told that we shouldn't care what a person looks like. All we should care about is the way they act and there personalities. But let's be real, we don't always act like that.

I've met some hella hot guys that the moment I started talking to them, I found out there so boring I want to run away screaming. A pretty face isn't always going to guarantee you happiness with that person. Yeah rock hard abs are a nice touch and hair that's really nice to touch is also great.


That guys 8 pack will probably turn into a one pack and his hair will fall out because it's probably hereditary in his family. His face will probably droop from the cigarettes he'll smoke in his 20's.

But ya know what will always stay unless he turns all batman? Humor, personality, humility, kindness, and all those other good things you should look for in a person.

Don't get me wrong or anything, I like abs and nice hair. But if you have the personality of a rock or even worse, want to vote for Donald Trump, then abs ain't worth it, sweetheart.

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