Did You Just Call Me a Slug?

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Slut is kind of a weird word. It is sulky used to say that a women is "loose" or that she has many sexual partners. In the movies, "sluts" are usually portrayed as a blonde woman with big boobs and an IQ of 10.

I do not like to say the word slut. It is absolutely ridiculous to me. I have been called a slut a few times in my life. I have never even had sex, my sexual partner level is 0. But still, people go around calling people sluts because they just might enjoy sex.

Also, I may have said this before, but the term "loose" is absolutely ridiculous. The vagina is a wonderful thing. Durning sexual intercourse, the vagina actually expands its walls if it is aroused. So, if a boy talks about how tight a girl was; just tell him that he must have not been doing it right because they expand with aroused. Sex game weak.

Even during birth. The vagina expands so the baby can pass through. When the baby is gone, it is going to stay a little stretched out, but it will go back to being its original shape.

It doesn't matter if a person has had 100 sexual partners or just one. There is never a reason to call someone a slut (unless that's like a kink of yours or some shit like that.).

So the next time you have the sudden urge to call someone a slut, kick yourself in the ass.

That sounded better in my head, I don't even know how you would even kick your own ass.

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