Summer Lovin, Had Me a Blast

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Well it's been summer vacation for about two weeks for me. But now I'm finally getting in the rhythm of it. Meaning will be posting more. But I didn't come here to bore you.

It's summer and love is in the air, you better grab a face masks those nurses wear.

I think it's always nice to have someone to text that you're interested in. Makes summer better in my opinion.

Flirt with that guy you've been looking at from afar! Flirt with the girl from 3rd period that you're too afraid to talk to! Flirt with the person you've already been flirting with!

It's summer. You survived another year. Celebrate!

We have cellphones now. Social media. It's not very hard to talk to someone now.

Go out there, don't just sit there all summer. And if you don't want to flirt, go hang out with your friends! Find a job! Read books! Talk to your family!

Just please, don't sit on your ass all summer doing nothing. Because you're going to regret doing nothing.

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