I'm Sure That's Ketchup

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So you had a bit of a spill. Red liquid is rushing down your leg at dangerous speeds.

Either you just started your period or someone left runny ketchup in your chair.

Getting your first period at school is very terrifying. I have been going through my period for about 3-4 years and I have gone through many pairs of pants. Is not fun. Not fun at all. So far, no one has spotted that I started spitting before I have had the chance to, but you need to act fast.

If you have a jacket, tie it around your waist. I know, it's gross, but it's better than bleeding on everything you pass by. If you don't have pads in your locker, run to the school nurse. They usually keep extras. But it feels like a diaper, so just keep some extras in your locker. And always have an extra pair of pants in your locker!

I don't know how many times my extra pair have saved me. Either from blood ruining my other pants or hearing a teacher saying, "Excuse me, Miss." And just running to my locker and getting the pants and slipping them on before the teacher finds me.

Also, have a friend that is always late so that she can just hurry up and slip some jeans in her bag before she leaves out the door.

You don't want to be the girl who said she sat in ketchup by accident. (Guilty. Didn't work.)

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