"Okay, yeah I looked him up."

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My name is Monet, and I have an Internet stalking problem.

Okay it's a small one but its still there.

So whenever I have a guy or a girl where things ended badly, I will admit that I do look them up sometimes. See how they're doing, who they're doing, and if they got uglier.

I know, I know, I'm a horrible person for wishing that they were uglier. But a lot of the time they deserve it.

It's hard getting over someone. Especially if you see them all the time. But I can almost promise you, you will forget all about them. You'll forget their name and the color of their eyes when the sun hits them. You'll forget their weird laugh they do while they clutch their stomach. Or how they play with their hair when their bored. You will forget that. Just takes time.

For example, I used to love this guy in middle school and I'm pretty sure his name was Eric. And I really liked Eric. Like I would even do his homework, I was such a little dweeb.

Well I got hot and Eric got the girl he ended up dating over me pregnant. Their baby is really cute though. They named her Cassandra, I think.

But that's not the point. It may take years, months, weeks, days, a few minutes, or an entirely new person in your life. But I promise you, you will be fine.

Fuck Jimmy Nike Socks.

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