You do Know my Mom Checks my Phone, Right?

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Oh my god is that a penis?

For some odd reason, boys love showing off that little thing between their legs. I personally have never received a nude because I'm not going to jail for owning child pornography, but I know people who have.

And let me just tell you, boys will take everything as a sign to take the picture.

"She send me a winky face? Well, I have to show it now."


Also, if a guy sends you a nude and then tells you to, I suggest you don't. Especially if you are under age. Sending a pornographic picture of yourself is a crime. You can actually get put in jail. Also, if you have a picture of your boyfriend or girlfriend on your phone, you can still go to jail.

It isn't worth it, don't do it.

Also, you may have heard of something called the Internet if you aren't 100 years old. Yeah, people post things to it. I have actually met people who have had the pictures they took of themselves put on social media. You can't take that back.

Everyone can know see you in your ratty undies.

It isn't worth it, don't do it. Jimmy Nike Socks cannot be trusted with that much power.

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