You Still Like Me, Right?

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First boyfriends.

My little children are growing up I need to wipe away a tear.

So, I had someone say to me that I should talk about first boyfriends. At first I was a little nervous. I've had a boyfriend before, and it was fun. But I don't know if what I'm going to tell you will fun.

You will break up.

This isn't Boy Meets World. The chances of you marrying your first boyfriend is very slim. Believe it or not, but Jimmy Nike Socks will probably not stay by your side. Brad "Don't touch my leather car seats" either, or Carl "But if you loved me..."

It sucks. You will probably cry. But let me tell you right now, it will get better, little one.

Let's call my first boyfriend FB because he was a fuck boy. At first, I wanted to be with him every second of everyday. His lips so soft! His arms so welcoming! How could any of this possibly go wrong?

It did of course.

Turns out FB really liked talking to Brenda, Sarah, Lily, Hannah, Jasmine, Carol, Ava, Ava F., Ava H., etc, etc. you get the point. He was a total player. Of course, he was a player when I started dating him. But I thought that I was going to be able to change him, make him see the error of his ways. But you must understand that people can't change just because you want them to.

You date a FB, you better expect some FB tendencies.

But I want you to remember, there is someone for everyone (Unless you're asexual, there doesn't have to be). It may be your best friend, could be the guy from 5th period, the girl from 3rd period, or it could be someone you haven't even met yet.

There is like 7 billon people in this world. You can't just expect your soulmate to be the McDonald's guy (remember him?).

Don't worry, you'll find them.


If you are dying for me to talk about something, comment, message me, or maybe try carrier pigeon. I will talk about almost everything!

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