"Oh Damn You Again?"

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So school is going to be happening tomorrow for me and I have to say I'm a little excited. After you finish your freshman year, first days are a breeze. I'm going to be a junior and I am so excited! New friends, new classes, and most importantly...new boys.

But let's talk about that later.

First, we must talk about what you're wearing. WEAR WHATEVER YOU WANT! I'm serious. You don't have to dress up all nice for the first day of school. Personally I love wearing dresses so it's not much different. But you don't have to, people wear jeans to the first day all the time. Wear whatever makes you comfortable.

Be nice to your teachers! I'm serious about this one. Now there's a point where teachers get disrespectful and I for one am not respectful of teachers that are mean. But everyone has their off days and being a teacher must really suck so cut them some slack.

You're going to make new friends. Don't worry. Right now, it's looking like I'm going to have no one in my classes that I know. And it sucks. It really does. But as long as you just make one or two friends in each class, you're gold. You need a friend in each class so that you can skip every once in awhile and still have the lesson plan.

Focus on your work! No boy or girl is cute enough or charming enough to have you fail that class. Crack open a book idiot. (I'll go more into depth about first day of school crushes a little later huh)

And last, stay cool, stay calm, stay collected. You'll be fine. There are so much things you are going to have to survive in your lifetime and the first day of school doesn't even make the top 30 list. Wipe the dirt off your nose and shine darling. You got this.

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