No means No

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In this chapter I talk about rape and if that is uncomfortable, then please skip this chapter.

So this is my second very serious chapter and there is probably going to be more over the course of this book.

No means no.

This statement is usually correlated to when one person tries to pressure you into a sexual act and the other person says no. You have the right to say no. It doesn't matter your gender, race, age, work, place of birth, religion, sexuality, or anything else. If you say no, and the person continues to do the sexual act then it is sexual assault and it is never okay.

It doesn't matter if you're married to them or its your partner. If you say no, that means they need to back the fuck off. No negotiating. And you can have any reason you want to not have sex. You're tired, you don't want to, you're on your period, you don't know them that well, your parents are home, you're not ready.

It doesn't matter how much money they spent on dinner for you. You have the right to say no.

If you're drunk off of the endless amounts of beers that the person keeps giving you, you can't consent. Consent isn't something you buy or negotiate about. And sex with consent isn't sex it's rape.

I've seen way too many of my friends cry because someone touched them in a way they didn't want to. And it's crazy that there are people out there that think they can take advantage of a person because they bought them a dinner.

And I'm sick and tired of telling my friends and family that boys can be raped. Every time a story pops up on the news people are confused that a girl raped the boy. They call his a sissy, a faggot, among other hurtful things. Men have the right to say no and if their counter part continues to pressure them it's rape.

Rape isn't always a girl is found in the bushes behind school crying with her clothes torn off. Rape is sometimes stumbling around because you were roofied and the person is leading you into their apartment. Rape is sometimes a guy telling his girlfriend no and she hits him and calls him a name and continues anyway. Rape is when you say no and they keep going anyway. It doesn't matter if your in the middle of having sex. No means no.

Sex without consent is rape.

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