Why is One Bigger Than the Other?

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What are thooose?

They are called breast.

Sometimes called boobs, tits, tatas, and jugs.

Boobs are great, I love them. They are so diverse and pretty, I will sometimes just grab mine because they are awesome.

Boobs are all different. Sometimes they sag, have stretch marks, one is bigger, your nipples may be different colors. And believe it or not it is normal!

Boobs are not the perky things you see in the magazines. Every boob is different, and every boob is beautiful.

Don't let that fuckboy tell you that your tits look weird, because they don't. Everyone's tits look different. And they are probably not perky. You want to know why?

Boobs are made for babies. Not boys with Nike socks on. Since boobs are made to nourish children, they are going to sag downwards to feed said baby.

So the next time a boy says your boobs are distracting, ask them if they are babies.

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