Am I Suppose to Turn My Head to the Left of the Right?

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Kissing so pretty awesome if I do say so myself. But your first kiss maybe a little confusing at first. I mean, where do I put my hands? Which way do I turn my head? What if he tries to slip his tongue into my mouth?

So let me just tell you now, it's going to be a mess. A awesomely crazy mess. You don't know where to put your hands, you turned right when you should have turned left, someone decided to eat a whole onion before this exchange.

I had my first kiss in 4th grade. It was with my best friend. It was after school, it was very fast. At first, he head butted me by accident. Which was horrific. But besides that it was fine. Also I got the swine flu the next day and he moved before I could say bye.

My lost love.

All the way in Nebraska or some shit like that.

But yes, first kisses are weird. But with a lot of practice (wink wink), you will get a lot better. So run along, kiss anyone you can find (as long as you have consent).

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