Part Twenty nine!

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Part Twenty nine: lies...

> Ino's P.O.V <

"I LOVE YOU!" I practically shouted to her, but she wasn't the only one who heard it. There at the doorway stood her mother. The look on the face was painted with horrification. "You love her?" She asked me. Sakura struggled out of my arms "MUM IT'S OKAY! We had a fight! But it's okay! And it's friend love! I promise!" Sakura faked a laugh which was full of nerves as she jokingly punched my shoulder. She gave me a look which clearly read: 'don't you dare tell her' but I decided to go against it.
"MRS HARUNO I'M SORRY BUT... I love your daughter, more than a friend... I always ha-"
"-INO! That's disgusting!" Sakura's words butt in and shocked me deeply. "Disgusting?!" I frowned in confusion "what the hell is wrong with you?! This is the 21st century!! Love is love! Why should you hide that?!" I demanded an answer from her but she bit her lip and avoided answering. She just stood forward to join her mum in the doorway "Don't you come near my daughter again until you sort them filthy feelings out Ino!" Sakura's mum stated as she closed the door. I stood there frozen as I tried to register what happened. I bit my lip hoping it would cover the pain inside my heart but even the small trickles of blood could not cover it. I screamed as I ran as fast as I could somewhere I could be alone.

> Sakura's P.O.V <

When going back inside I was lucky my mother didn't ask much about it. I explained a lie to her which consisted of Ino being 'Jealous' of me getting a 'boyfriend' (which was actually a rebound). I went to my room and laid on my bed, I was aware that I needed a shower but right now I just wanted to sit in silence. I looked over at a picture of us "I'm sorry... Ino".  I got up and tucked the picture away in one of my clothes draws before making my way to the bathroom.

> Ino's P.O.V <

I found myself going to a lake, I sat down on the side as I looked down at my reflection. My face was red and my eyes were puffy. Many times I thought about jumping into the lake but I couldn't leave my mother... Ugh stop being so pathetic Ino. I'll just go out and eventually find someone new? If only it was that easy...

I made my way home a few hours later, when making it to my house I went straight into my room avoiding the "Ino you're back?" From my mum. I crawled into my bed and practically used it as a fort, hiding under the covers not wanting to come out. I heard the door open "Dinner won't be long okay?" My mum's soft tone always use to comfort me but today it had no effect. "Ok." I almost whispered knowing I wasn't going to go for it anyway. I closed my eyes as I felt myself drift away almost straight away to the fact I didn't hear the door close. I was now in a new world, somewhere better than the painful one I'd soon be returning to...

Forbidden love ~ A Sakuino (Sakura x ino) fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now