Part thirteen

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Part 13~ Shikamaru

In the end, it took me an hour to decide what to put in the text. 'Shikamaru, we need to talk, I think we both know this, meet me at the coffee shop at Lunch time tomorrow'

I sighed as I stared at my Coffee, for once I was the first one there, and I had been since half eleven. I looked at the time on my phone and it read '11:58',so he should be here soon. I took a sip of my coffee, I was hoping drinking coffee would give me some energy, but It failed to do so. I slept terribly last night, thinking of the many ways that today could result in. He's either going hate me, agree with me or just be super happy about it. I sighed again. "What's with all the sighing?" It was him. I looked up at him as he sat down opposite me with a cup of tea, his face looked serious. I shook my head "everything..."
He looked at me as he stirred his milk and sugar into his hot drink, "listen Ino, I think we both know this isn't working."
I gasped, he took the thoughts right out of my head. "Y-you knew what I was going to talk about?" I asked, and he replied with a nodd.
"You love Temari don't you? And you always have done?"
"Well, Ino... You really are a lovely girl, but you're right, i'm sorry"
I shook my head "no! Don't apologise, it seems we both tried to cover up our love for someone else." I took another sip of my drink "but, it's been a good experience right?"
Shikamaru nodded "As much as I wanted to love you Ino, I just don't think it was enough, Temari still plays in my mind" he scratched the back of his head "who is it Ino? That you crave for?"
I stopped sipping my coffee and coughed, almost chocking on it. Shikamaru smirked "is it still Sasuke? OH WAIT! Is it Kiba?! Choji!!"
I looked queasy, the thought of being with any of them was completely wrong. "I can't tell you!" I stuck out my tongue "and it is NOT one of them!"
Shikamaru blinked "fine... But anyway, You uh... Still wanted to be friends right?" He asked. I nodded my head "Of course I do Shikamaru!" I smiled. He seemed somewhat happy about that and so was I, i'm glad our breaking up ended up good and not as an argument. If he didn't agree to it then I know I would have felt terrible about everything.
We carried on drinking our drinks and we talked about relationships, he hinted a few times about me telling him who it was that I was in love with but I pretended as if I had no idea.
"Listen Shikamaru, Tenten asked me and the girls to go out sometime and no doubt about it Temari will be there! Perhaps you could come along, if you keep shying away you'll never get your chance!" I finally came out with. He blushed but hid it "hmph troublesome women..." He muttered " alright, i guess I could invite the guys, i'm sure Sasuke will be there" he winked.
"No thanks Shikamaru, you know i'm not interested anymore" i stared down at my empty cup seeing just a little drop of coffee left. "... Shikamaru... It's kind of difficult to like the person I do, because... It's frowned upon" i sighed.
Shikamaru clicked on straight away "Ooh! I see how it is" he smirked " you like a girl, don't you Ino!"
I instantly blushed "I gave it away?!" I hid my face in my hands and sighed mumbling through my hands "Y-yes"
I decided i'd let Shikamaru know because I feel that I can somewhat trust him and even if it didn't work out as a relationship i'll still have a soft spot for him.
He leant back in his chair feeling proud "Yeah, you did. But I feel somewhat special knowing this, by the way... Who is it?"
And I guess thats another person knowing my secret now! "Sakura."
"Wow..." I looked up at him as blood trickled down his nose ""
I raised my brow "For goodness sake, MEN!" I grabbed a spare napkin and passed it to him "Wipe your nose! pervert!" He chuckled as he wiped his nose "well, I see why you feel a bit stressed out about it all but, I guess you already gathered that it's gonna be difficult, and you feel you can't say anything as it'll ruin your friendship again?"
I nodded he read me like a book...
"You can only pray that she likes you back, but for now it's best to be careful, even in telling her you like girls, because you don't know if she is homophobic or not..."
I sighed "You're right Shikamaru..."
"Of course i am, i'm always right!" He smiled to himself.
"I think I just saw your head grow a little bit bigger y'know." I giggled as he rolled his eyes "I guess it would seem that way"
We carried on chatting until it was time for the coffee shop to close, soon we were walking home and ready to part ways. Shikamaru dug his hands into his pockets "Well, I guess we'll speak sometime soon?" He asked. I nodded "Yes, i'll text you or something, like when we all go out!" I jumped in excitement. "Hmn, I don't personally see why you find going out so fun..." He sighed "But I guess you girls like to get all pretty and stuff, you know like comb your hair, paint your lashes, stuff like that."
I blinked and laughed "Oh Shikamaru! You'll never understand women!"
"Of course not, they're troublesome." He let off a small chuckle "well, it's nice we can still remain friends, i'll see you around" he took one of his hands out of his pocket and waved, then put his hand straight back in. I returned the wave then we parted ways.

Well today didn't go as bad as I thought, in fact gained a close friend, and now somebody else knows my secret. I took out my mobile phone from my pocket and text Sakura.
'Hello Sakura, I talked to him today, and it went very well. We are even closer now as friends then we was as partners. But don't you worry nobody will ever be as good as you, teehee! I hope your mum liked her flowers! Also, I was wondering if you... Perhaps wanted to have a sleepover sometime? Like on a day off or something? Let me know x x '
I sent the message and smiled, maybe we could also start having sleepovers like we always use to, I could even try and find out if Sakura likes anybody...

Forbidden love ~ A Sakuino (Sakura x ino) fanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon