Part Twenty Four

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Hey guys, I AM SO SO SO SORRY! For this late late update :/ I hope you can forgive me...


Chapter 24- Date!
(This chapter will alternate between both Sakura and Ino's p.o.v)

~Sakura's P.O.V~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, groaning at my first thought : work... I rubbed my eyes after turning it off, my eyes scanned the room, I saw my love heart shaped posit note on my mirror, it read 'Day out with Ino!' A smile grew across my face as I remembered today was our first date and not a work day! I jumped out of bed and zoomed down the stairs getting a bowl of cereal and a cup of tea, I took them back to my room and started to get ready. First I chose my outfit, I stared at the options of dresses as I shovelled cheerio's into my mouth. "That one will be cute" I muffled with a mouth full of food. I swallowed before I spoke to myself again "But this one's perfect!". I placed my bowl down and took out a black long sleeved floral dress, the flowers were dark pink with green stems/leaves. And to go with that I chose some black tights. I smiled as I put them on and twirled in the mirror. I looked at the time "It's lucky I had a shower last night" it was 10:30 am, and I was meeting Ino at 11:30. I still had my makeup to do and to walk to the meeting point.

~Ino's P.O.V~

My alarm went off for the third time, my mum banged on the wall "SHUT THAT DAMN THING OFF WILL YA!!!"
I jumped up, panicking- 'Oh no!! I'm running late!!!' I smashed my hand onto the alarm clock then jumped out of bed , I ran to the bathroom jumping straight into the shower- hoping my hair will dry quick enough!!! After quickly showering I ran back into my room, plugging the hair dryer in straight away. It took a while to dry my hair but I was done after a while. I quickly dressed seeing the clock read 10:55, I put my hair into a high korean bun then began my makeup. Luckily my mum came in bringing in some toast. "thank you!!" I ate along with applying my makeup. At 11:15 I was ready to go . I grabbed my bag and placed my phone, keys, lip balm and purse into it, I then ran downstairs and slid on my boots along with my coat "Bye Mum!" I shouted as I ran out the door.

~ Back to Sakura's POV~

I finished my makeup with 20 minutes to spare before leaving, I took my bowl and cup downstairs and washed them up. I smiled to myself, I was so excited for the date! I pictured us sitting at the table for dinner, hand in hand... I sighed. I wish I was able to do that, but the truth is that i'm scared about being judged. Being called annoying when I was younger by Sasuke was bad enough.
I looked at the clock on the wall, it read 11:08, it was almost time to go. I put on my green coat as I took my bag that was hanging up and placed my keys, phone and purse inside. I then walked out the house.
The walk there was pretty quiet, not many people were about just yet. I ended up walking through the park, the beauty of the park relaxed me. Hearing the birds sing and the leaves from the trees dance almost made me forget my place, whoops! But it wasn't long before I arrived at our chosen destination. I took out my phone and checked the time '11:29' I giggled to myself "It seems I only just made it in time." Ino was not here yet but, I was fine with that.

~ Ino's P.O.V ~

I huffed as I took my phone out "11:29" I was going to be a few minutes late, but I feel rather pleased with myself! It's better than being hours late!
I sped up as I was getting closer to my destination, thats when I saw Sakura waiting at the meeting point. Even from a distance I couldn't help but smile. As I got closer my smile grew wider and wider. "Saku-Chan!" I squealed to myself quietly. As if she heard me her head turned, she waved at me from a distance. Thats when I began running, when I reached her and I threw my arms around her, hugging her tight, our bodies fitting together perfectly. "Sakura, s-sorry i'm late." I snuggled into her. "It's okay Ino-Chan, you're not that late silly!"
I pulled myself away blushing lightly "b-but...I woke up late today... I was worried about being late" I looked away hiding my blush that grew darker.
"You're so cute Ino-Chan."

~ Sakura's P.O.V ~

Ino-Chan is so cute! Watching her blush grow darker made me want to kiss her more and more! "You're so cute Ino-Chan" I giggled as I watched her blush deepen even more. I best stop purposely making her blush though, or I won't be able to control myself any longer. I linked my arm on hers, "So you're ready to go?" I asked. She nodded and we began walking.
"So where to?" She asked.
I thought to myself of all the possible places, and we ended up going to many different types of shops. Trying on many types of clothing.
"How does this look Ino-Chan!?"
"Does it make me look.... Fat?"
"No!! Don't be silly!!"
"I-i'm not..."
"You arrree!"
"W-what about this on me?"
We ended up buying the same dress but in different colours, turquoise for me and pink for Ino.
"I-i'm..." I stopped "I'm so happy."
Ino smiled as she tightened her grip around my arm "Me too." At that moment I just wanted to kiss her more than ever... But how could I, if our love isn't accepted.

> Ino's P.O.V <

A few hours later we stopped to get a small something to eat then we did some more shopping.
After a long day of shopping we began walking home. Today was perfect but there was still so much more to do. "Did you want to stay at mine tonight?" I asked Sakura. She nodded shyly "I'd love to!" We were returning to our homes to get ready for tonight's meal, when we were ready to part ways Sakura placed a kiss on my cheek. "I'll bring my stuff over soon okay?"
"Okay, I'll see you soon then?"
"Yes" Sakura smiled as she waved before parting ways. I waved back then headed home. Getting ready for today's meal. We planned on wearing the dressed we brought. I rushed to my bedroom and looked at the mesh skater styled dress, blushing at the thought of having matching dresses on. "We'll have to take plenty of pictures together..."
"Oh whys that Ino-Chan?"
I jumped to see my mother in the doorway, "M-mum!".
"That's a pretty dress Ino-Chan, how was your date?" She walked in and told her how the day went.

> Sakura's P.O.V <

I rushed home, giggling to myself! Excited for tonight!! I got home to the door unlocked, my parents were home. "Hi Mum! Hi dad! I'll be at Ino's tonight!" They both looked at me "Sure thing." "Have fun!"
I nodded before running upstairs, taking my new dress out of it's bag, leaving all other new clothes in their bags. I blushed at the dress, "Ino-Chan...." I giggled madly before throwing my clothes off and putting the dress on. "I'm so glad we got the same!"
I twirled in front of the mirror before packing my bag for tonight. As soon as I finished packing I decided to re-do my makeup to match my dress. I looked at my hair. I then curled my hair and I was done. "I hope I look cute enough for her..." I shook my head, why was I worrying so much? I turned my curlers off and double checked that everything was in my bag for tonight. I picked out a pair of shoes , a bag and a jacket to go with my dress. Once I knew I was fully ready I messaged Ino 'On my way now!! See you soon! I can't wait!!!'. I giggled as I ran downstairs. "Bye bye!" and with that I ran out the door.

> Ino's P.O.V <

As me and my mum spoke about the day, she curled my hair for me. (Which took FOREVER!)
"ow! MUM!"
"Don't be a wuss!"
"I'm not! You pull too hard!"
"Well don't move so much!"
"I'm not!!"
"Suuuure you're not" she teased.
I pouted, "You bully me so much".
"I'm your mother i'm allowed!" She finished curling the last piece of hair, "So... What do you think?". She placed the curlers on the side.
I took a look in the mirror and smiled "It looks great!! Thank you!" I turned and hugged her. "It's alright, you look so beautiful Ino, you'll have Sakura falling right at your knees!" She giggled waiting for my blush. To her satisfaction I did blush "Muuum!" She laughed as she began walking out the room, "Get yourself dressed, or you'll have Sakura waiting on you" she closed the door before I could reply. "Meany...". I took today's outfit off and put the dress on. "It looked better on her... But i'm happy" I twirled in the mirror before smiling to myself "Tonight is going to be amazing!" Just as I finished my sentence a message come through on my phone, I looked at it seeing Sakura was on her way.

Forbidden love ~ A Sakuino (Sakura x ino) fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now