Part Thirty five!

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This chapter is Ino's P.O.V

Part 35: Date <3

I awoke for the second time to see an empty space next to me, I slid my hand across the sheet to find no body warmth attached to it. Confused I rolled over and sat up to scan the room, I found nothing. My heart dropped as I thought of the worst. Did she... leave me? Did she mean all that stuff she said? I swung my legs off the side of the bed as I went to use the bathroom. I sighed as I did my buisness then washed my hands. I took a spare flannel that was in the bathroom and washed my face. As I stood in front of the mirror checking whether all of yesterdays makeup was defiantly gone a pink piece of paper that was stuck in the corner of the mirror caught my eye. "Huh?" I pulled it off and began to read:

'Hey beautiful, Sorry I left without saying goodbye I had a few things to take care of- plus you looked so beautiful and comfy I didn't have the power to wake you up and disturb you. However, tonight I request that you dress your beautiful self up ready for me to pick you up at 7.30pm tonight. I love you! -Sakura ♡ '.

I found myself uncontrolably giddy, my cheeks began to hurt from how much I was smiling. "I'm so happy!" I leant against the bathroom wall as I found tears running down my face, I laughed as I wiped them away and raced out the room to get dressed.

I found myself running home out of pure excitement. I didn't care I was in yesterdays outfit, all I wanted was to get ready for whatever it was Sakura had planned for me. I flung the front door to my house open to a shocked scream from my mum. "Ino!? Geez girl! You made me poop my panties!" She ran over and hugged me "I missed you so much!" She rubbed her cheek against mine. "Mum... I was only gone for a night!!!" I sighed. She giggled before stepping back and placing her hand on my cheek "I know my sweetie! I know". She then pointed to where she set my bag "Your friends brought your bags here,  how come you weren't with them?" She raised her brow in question. I looked away and giggled controllably. "Something happened... something amazing!" I squeeled. My mum dragged me by the hand and sat me down "DO TELL!!!!" She squeeled also.

"Well, last night I went outside for some fresh air... and I saw Sakura and she confessed her love for me, she still loves me mum! She loves me!!!" I felt my eyes tear up again as my mum smiled lightly "I'm happy for you... I really am but... what if... she hurts you again Ino... I don't want to see you like that ever again!". I felt my face drop "I... don't think she would do that to me mum....She really meant it! Or at least it seemed that way." My mum took my hand "let's see how it goes okay? I mean what if that was fake confidence back there?" She asked. I bit my lip "... Alright." I stood up "thanks for the downer... but I understand. Thank you." I walked over to get my bag and made my way upstairs to my room. I threw my dress off before looking in the mirror "I'll take that chance... I have a good feeling about it." A smile grew back on my face as I danced my way to the bathroom for a shower.

> 5:00Pm <

After spending hours of raiding my cuboard I had found a dress that I was happy with. I had chosen a black velvet dress which had led up to a choaker, the dress was quite low cut but I just wanted Sakura to see what she had been missing! I sat in front of the mirror and began putting loose curls in my hair. I smiled at how cute it was looking. "And I was considering cutting my hair short?" I giggled to myself. It took a long time but my hair was finally curled, I pinned it to one side and that was my hair ready. Next was makeup, I stayed with a simple yet eye catching cat eye style with a small highlight below the eyebrows which complimented the dress perfectly. I painted my lashes and highlighted my cheek bones and nose and I was done. I took a step back to see myself in the mirror. "I hope it's something fancy... or I will be totally out of place."

> 7.00PM<

I made my way into the living room to show my mum. I was welcomed by a wolf whistle "Ino! You look stunning!!" She stood up and made her way over to me "Wheres the lucky lady being taken tonight then?" She asked.
"Well thats the thing.... I don't know. She never told me!" I laughed nervously "What if we end up going somewhere where my outfit is too much?!" I panicked a little as my eyes scanned down my outfit. "Maybe I should go change!" I went to leave the room but the voice of my mother and her pulling me back brought me to a halt."I'm sure you are over thinking it my love! YOU LOOK AMAZING!" She tucked a odd strand of hair behind my ear "If she wants to proove her love to you i'm sure she would take you somewhere that would impress you or romance you to the max!!!"
I Smiled lightly "Yes, I guess you are right! Thank you!"

Forbidden love ~ A Sakuino (Sakura x ino) fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now