Part twenty five

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Part 25 (:

> Ino's P.O.V <

There was a light knock at my door, I zoomed downstairs to answer the door "Saku-Chan!" I jumped at her.

"Ahhh! Ino-chan! Are you excited for tonight or something?" She giggled.

I blushed lightly and nodded "y-yes!". Sakura returned the smile "me too!".

I invited her in and went upstairs to my room. Shortly after my door opened "Hi Sakura-Chan!!" My mum squeeled "Your dress looks pretty!" She looked at my dress after "They are the same design?! HOW CUTE!!!"

Me and Sakura swapped gazes and blushed, "Y-Yes Mrs Yamanka, we decided to get the same!"

"That's so adorableeee!" She danced out the room, it was almost as if her voice echoed around the house "CUTE CUTE CUTE!"

> Sakura's P.O.V <

As she left we stared at one another, intertwining our fingers together."You look beautiful..." She looked away blushing. "S-so do you!"

It wasn't awkward, it was in fact a perfect moment.I let go with one hand and cupped her chin "It's unlike you to be shy Ino-Chan!" I brought my face close to hers "Usually i'm the shy one" I saw her cheeks brighten, she was unsure of where to look. I felt... Like the dominant one for once and I liked it. I placed a kiss onto her lips before deepening it. I felt her twitch a little, from that I was unable to control myself. She ended up throwing her arms around me and we ended up falling onto her bed. She managed to get some air "S-saku!-" it was shortly cut off before I returned back to the kiss. Perhaps getting ahead of myself I found my knee gently grind against her. She pulled away from the kiss quick "S-sakura!"

I giggled and blushed myself "S-sorry.. I guess i kinda got ahead of myself."

We both giggled nervously as I stood up holding my hand out. When she took my hand I pulled her up, holding her in a tight embrace. "I'm so happy" I exhaled, "Thank you Ino-Chan..."

> Ino's P.O.V <

It was time to leave for our meal, I pulled my cardigan over my body as Sakura put hers on too. "See you later Mum!"

"Bye Mrs Yamanaka!!!"


Before leaving we pecked each others lips, leaving the house arms linked together.

The walk was quiet and not at all awkward, we enjoyed each others company whilst listening to the evening birds harmonise. We cut through the park and we were surrounded by nature. "Oh how wonderful the park is at evening!" Sakura sang. I nodded in agreement "It sure is beautiful."

We both looked at each other knowing what the other was going to say. Giggling away we both said it anyway,

"Not as beautiful as you!" "You're more beautiful!"

"Nuh-uh! You are!"

"Don't be silly Saku-Chaaan!"

"I'm not!"

"You are!"

We giggled and before we knew it we were in eachothers arms.

"I want to kiss you" I whispered into her ear. She didn't reply, it was clear that she was thinking about it. I was very aware of how she felt about people finding out. "I-is there anybody your way?" She asked. I shook my head "n-no"

She lifted her head and pressed her lips onto mine, I took my chance and deepened the kiss. She shortly pulled away, "S-sorry". I replied with a simple smile before linking my arm in hers again.

Forbidden love ~ A Sakuino (Sakura x ino) fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now