Part sixteen

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Part 16 - the next day at work

I was woken up by my alarm at 9am, i rubbed my eyes as I dragged myself out of bed to turn off the alarm. My nose was still a little stuffy but I carried on as normal breathing out of my mouth instead of my nose. I took a cold and flu tablet that sat at my desk and inhaled some olbas oil and soon I felt I was able to breathe out of my nose again. I brushed the knots out of my long hair then got dressed. Today I wore a long burgundy top with buttons-the top reached just bellow my bottom, I added black leggings along with some black boots. I smiled at the combination of colour, today i decided to leave my hair down. To tell the truth sometimes i'd forget just how long it was, i looked in the mirror as I played with my hair - imagining that it was Sakura's fingers gliding through it instead of mine. I added a tiny bit of eyeliner on my top eye lid and I applied mascara before walking out the room into the kitchen.

My mum sat there looking at todays newspaper. "Anything interesting today??" I asked her. She looked up at me "No. Not really, I just like looking at the horoscopes" she then smiled "But good morning!"

I said good morning back and grabbed myself some toast with a glass of Guava juice then sat beside my mum.

"You look nice today by the way, are you trying to impress someone?" She raised her brows then smirked deliberately. I frowned "You always assume that I am trying to impress her."

My mother raised a brow "well aren't you?"

I sighed "Yeah... I am. But perhaps I should just stop but..." I took a bite of my toast and leant back in my chair "receiving a compliment from her just makes me feel over the moon, it's like I automatically try just to get it."

My mum's eyes were sparkling "That's the most adorable thing ever!!!" I sighed "muuuum.."

She giggled "Listen Ino. When I liked your father I did anything for him to compliment me, I experimented with clothes and makeup just to create a new look that he would want to say 'WOW' too!"

"I understand that... But it's different. Dad knew you liked him and a straight couple is more normal, but Sakura see's me as a friend and her reasons of complimenting are from friendship" I took another chunk of out my toast.

"Darling, I can't say anymore here because I don't know what goes through Sakura's head, but don't stop trying because compliments always help even if they are just from friends" she lightly pulled my cheek "As for me I think you look gorgeous today" she stroked my hair "and it's nice to see you wear your hair down now and then too."

I smiled at her "Thanks mum."

I can't wait for Sakura to say something! Well... I hope she does anyway.

After breakfast I brushed my teeth then sorted out any imperfections in the mirror, my nose was a little dry from the cold but I just moisturised the dry patch a little. I sprayed a little bit of perfume around my neck and on my clothing then went downstairs to the flower shop.

There my mother was wiping the sides down checking for any dust that might have been laying about "Ino-Chan! Can you sort out the flowers for me please, there are a few out the back that need to come in!"

I nodded "yes mum" as I went to the back room to collect the flowers.

Luckily there wasn't many as there was some left over from a previous delivery.

Within a couple of trips I had brought all the flowers in then began trimming off a couple of leaves on the stems.

"Make sure you leave at least a couple of the leaves on the flowers Ino-Chan" my mum reminded.

Forbidden love ~ A Sakuino (Sakura x ino) fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now