Part Thirty One

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A week later

> Sakura's P.O.V <

I hadn't reported to work for over a week at least,  I don't think I could face her as the guilt would kill me. I guess Mrs Yamanaka wouldn't expect me to anyway... Not after the break up. I sighed before leaving for a date with Rock Lee. I know it's only been a week but he has been almost begging for intercourse, the thought of making 'love' or 'lust' with another makes me feel sick. I waited for him outside the park entrance and as expected he was 15 minutes late. "Ahhh Saku-chaaaan!" He blew a kiss which I imagined what it would feel like when it hit my cheek : sloppy and gross. "Sorry I am late my princess! I had to groom these brows!"  What the hell... I felt like face palming but I smiled in response. He hooked onto my arm "soooo, have you thought about it?" He asked. The last date we was on he asked me about what kind of things I liked in bed and if I was ready yet. "Lee... I just think it's way too soon! It's only been a week!" Then again... It wasn't exactly that long after when me and Ino had sex... I watched a frown form on his face "I just... Want you to understand how I feel about you, a romantic love making session would show everything I feel for you!"
I imagined what he would be like during the time. I imagined a scrunched up face and high pitched moans... It made me want to cringe and laugh at the same time. It didn't take long to become frustrated and I already felt like I wanted to explode "Just... Don't pressure me, okay?!" I snapped as I removed my arm from his."You just don't stop talking about it! Even when I hint that i've had enough!" I watched a depressed look grow on his face "Sakura..."
I shook my head "I'm sorry, i've just not feeling well..." I turned and ran away. Luckily he didn't follow, I found uncontrollable tears run down my face "I can't do this...!!" I reached an isolated area in the town as I leant against the wall "I need her... I..."

> Ino's P.O.V <

I sat at the coffee table with a brew that was now cold. I stared at the liquid as I swirled my cup around, watching a small kind of current forming. I was still in pain but I knew it was time that I tried to move on. My mother walked in and put her hand on my shoulder "Hey my sweet? You want anything to eat?" She spoke softly. I looked up at her and smiled lightly "That would be great, thank you." I didn't eat much but I managed to eat something at least. After lunch I found myself in my room staring at my reflection. On the back of my chair hung my work apron. I picked it up and after a while of staring at it I put it on. As I tied my hair up I put on a light smile to convince myself I would be okay. With that I made my way downstairs, as I reached the flower stall I was met by a warm smile from my mum. "Hey you, you didn't have to come to work today you know." She walked up to me and strokes a loose hair behind my ear. "It's okay, I wanted something to do, rather than risking myself becoming depressed." I put my hand on my mum's shoulder and smiled enough to convince her that i'd be alright, and with that I got back to my usual routines at work.

I appreciated the fact that mum decided to write any kind of love note for the flowers as we prepared them for delivery, I wasn't prepared to hear what others had to offer for their loved ones, not to be selfish or anything... So instead I prepared the selected bunches, flowers are so beautiful it's just a shame they can't live on forever... I came across a small bunch of roses that took me back to when she had cut her finger. I bit my lip hard and shook my head, I really can't allow myself to cry anymore in front of my mum , I see sadness in her eyes whenever I cry and it hurts me to know that my sadness is hurting her. I finished putting the roses together which turned out to be the last bunch of the list. "Right! That's the last one!" I stretched before giggling lightly "Tea break?" I asked my mum "With millions and millions of cookies!"
My mum laughed back "No... TRILLIONS OF COOKIES!" We both giggled as we locked up and went upstairs for our break.

> Sakura's P.O.V <

I went back home to an empty house. Luckily nobody was home so I didn't have to explain a lie about my puffy face. I looked at my phone which received 7 missed calls and 13 texts. I rolled my eyes knowing it was Lee. Each message consisted of an apology of some sort.
"I'm so sorry are you okay?!"
"You should have told me you were unwell, forgive me"
"Are... We okay? I'm sorry if I've done anything wrong!"
"Why aren't you answering my calls? Look i'm sorry if I've done something!"
I was about to read the next one as my phone began to ring again.
'Lee is calling'  "UGH GO AWAY!" I cancelled the call as I stormed upstairs to my room. I found myself automatically throwing my phone across the room, at this moment in time I couldn't care less about it breaking. I threw myself onto the bed as I tears leaked out of my eyes.

There was a knock on the door "Sakura?" My eyes had opened from accidentally falling asleep, it was my mum. "What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" She sat next to me concerned as she stroked my cheek. I answered with a nodd. "Well...Lee has come to visit... Shall I send him away?"
I was too worn out to feel angry "please" I managed to croak.
My mum nodded before standing up "I'll get you some soup, okay? Just get your PJ's on and get back into bed." She smiled before leaving the room. I found myself beginning to cry again, theres no way I could tell her the truth... Theres no way I could tell her that all along I was in love with a girl: and still am.

Forbidden love ~ A Sakuino (Sakura x ino) fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now