Part eleven

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Part 11- beautiful day,<3

I sighed, I was so bored, it's only been five minutes since I went on my shift, and it feels like it's been hours. Was it because I was waiting for Sakura's shift to begin? Probably. I just wanted her to compliment me thats all... What if she doesn't? Have I tried too hard on what i'm wearing? I had doubts and I wanted to change into something different, I was panicking. I shook my head "stupid stupid stupid!" I mumbled.
My mum looked at me "Ino, what on earth are you doing?"she giggled.
I shook my head and both my hands "OH NOTHING, nothing!"
She smiled "I bet you, she'll compliment you." I gasped "h-how d-did.."
"How did I know? I'm not silly Ino, I was young once too" she teased.
I pouted and walked away, I started to bring today's delivery of flowers in, I smelt one of the bunches "oh, how lovely!" I loved the smell of flowers! I just love flowers in general, i love how they are just so naturally beautiful, and it just annoys me when others shops add glitter to them, poor flowers.
I carried a couple of bunches into the main room of the shop, i looked up at the clock '20 minutes until Sakura's shift! I can't wait to see her!' I thought to myself, i placed the flowers down the and as time went by I had eventually brought them all in. "Great job Ino, when Sakura comes in you can both put them into smaller bunches" my mum smiled, "you can have a drink break before she comes in if you like,"
I nodded, "i'll make tea in a pot and bring it down"
I ran up the stairs smiling away, i put the water to boil and I leant against the counter. And went into daydream mode.

~ I smiled at Sakura, as she layed next to me, we were both covered by the bed cover. Her beautiful sleeping face was covered by her strawberry hair, I gently brushed it out of her face as I leant in and kissed her cheek, "Sakura"
I smiled down at her blushing "I love you" I kissed her cheek again as I snuggled up to her, pushing our naked bodies together.~

I snapped out of the day dream "W-wait!!!?" I shook my head, NAKED?!??! Ino!! What are you thinking?! I face palmed myself 'PERVERT!' I thought.
Just then the kettle started whistling "AH!!!" I took it off the heat then poured in into the teapot with some tea leaves. I took a tray and placed three cups on it, along with sugar and milk. "I hope I don't drop this..."
I steadily picked up the tray and carried it down the stairs, I came into the main room, not taking my focus off the tray. "A-ahh.. TEA IS SERVED!" I placed down the tray, put my hands on my hips and smiled with pride. "YEAHH!!! Didn't drop it!!" I heard two giggles, one coming from my mum and the other... From Sakura. "Well done!" My mum congratulated. "GOOD ONE INO-CHAN!" Sakura smiled, I blushed and smiled. I poured out the tea and handed the cups out. I handed Sakuras cup over to her, she held the other side of the cup as our finger tips met, "by the way Ino" she took the cup "you look wonderful today"
Her words echoed in my head, luckily I was wearing blusher today or my blush would be completely obvious! "T-thank you, Sakura. Sakura nodded then sniffed the sweet aroma coming from the tea, "Ino-Chan always did make the best tea!" She blew into the cup then sipped at the tea slightly. I watched as her lips touched the cup, wishing that they were touching my lips instead. I shook my head "THANK YOU! I'm glad you like it" i looked over to my mum embarrassed, and she nodded "Yes! Now you understand why I get her to make the tea?" My mum laughed loudly, as Sakura joined giggling in.

I feel overjoyed now that i've got my wish, Sakura complimented me, I know it only lasted for a second, but already it's made my day so perfect. When we had finished I took the tray back upstairs and as I did so I smiled to myself constantly. I couldn't care less about my other problems right now, I know they'll come back to haunt me but for now i'm just going to live in the moment. I trotted back down the stairs, and hopped through the door.
"What a beeeaaaauuutiiiful day!!"
Sakura and my Mum giggled agreeing, I know they probably referred to weather but they didn't know what I was referring to, well... Perhaps Mum had an idea.

Forbidden love ~ A Sakuino (Sakura x ino) fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now