Part Twenty

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Chapter 20 ~ Jealousy and truth

~This part is in Sakuras point of view~

As we were dancing I realised Ino had her eyes on a girl, I watched as she began dancing all over TenTen- hoping it wasn't for the girls attention. I sighed as I snapped out of it and began dancing with Hinata. We sang along and giggled as we did so. But when I looked back over I realised Ino was running off, I looked over seeing the girl had disappeared also. I asked TenTen where Ino went but she didn't know either. My eyes scanned around the room as I saw Ino come out of the toilets and to the bar with the girl , and quite soon after they headed back over to the dance floor- hand in hand.

This was when the pain hit my chest, was it jealousy? Yes I believe so, for a long time now I had felt a romantic attraction towards Ino... but I was wasn't allowed to love her especially as she at the time 'loved' someone else. I blushed as I saw Ino kissing the girl's neck, I put my hand on my own neck imagining what it would feel like... But the image of it in my mind had Ino and myself in it. My cheeks grew hot , I felt as if I wanted to push the girl away from Ino and kiss her myself, I realised that I was standing still so I began swaying slightly to the music. I again looked over seeing them grinding all over eachother, I just couldn't help but stare with such pain in my face. "Ino..." I whispered to myself. I saw her look my way but I didn't look away, her face expression dropped as I saw her lips move- she must have been saying something to the girl. I saw her stumble out of the girls arms as she ran to the toilets, the girl followed her. I shortly followed as I opened the door slightly seeing them close. "n-no, but it's not that" "what is it?" I saw them kiss but Ino had pulled away shaking her head."I thought I could move on but I just can't." The girl spoke "The girl with the brown hair?"

"No..." She shook her head.

For a split second I had panicked, was I just about to find out who Ino loved? Do I stay... Do I go...? Did she like Temari? maybe thats why she left Shikamaru? but she didn't really see Temari much... I was about to close the door but I heard "Pink..."

I felt my cheeks warm up, could have she meant me?!

"The one dancing with you and the others?" I saw her nodd. "You love her don't you?" I watched her pat Ino's head "I totally understand" the girl kissed Ino's forehead. At that moment I leant on the door a little too hard and nearly fell into the room, I managed to hide the fact that I nearly fell in and walked in. "S-saku!" I wasn't sure what to do. I saw the girl whisper something in Ino's ear then turned around to leave. As she did so she winked, leaving a waft of Coco chanel. The door closed with a light bang, as we stood there staring at one another. Ino's face was beetroot red, where as mine... I wasn't sure as I didn't look in the mirror but it felt hot. I kept my eyes on Ino, it was as if I never blinked. "Ino...are you seeing that girl?" I asked pretending to be completely oblivious of what I just heard. I was preparing for the worst.

She looked down at the ground shaking her head, at that moment I took the chance to look in the mirror. My cheeks were bright red!

I looked back at Ino seeing her tremble, what was going through her mind making her so afraid? Then again she had no idea of my feelings...

I walked towards her as I placed a hand on her shoulder, "Ino..."

She couldn't look at me "D-did you hear... What I was talking about?"

I froze as I had a small battle inside of my head. The scenario for saying 'No' was that we could go on as normal and carry on with our night as normal and never being able to have the chance to tell her my feelings. The scenario for 'yes' was that she'd push me away, embarrassed to the fact that I heard her admit that she loved me, and not being able to tell her my feelings...

"Yes" I choaked. "I heard it." I closed my eyes as I believed the scenario in my head would come true. There was no reply and no other movement other than Ino pulling me in , and not into a hug either... Into a kiss. My eyes widened at her reaction, her warm tears fell onto my face as well as hers. I closed my eyes and I leant into her, deepening the kiss. It just felt so... Right. I could tell she was surprised as her body shook as she wrapped her arms around me. I managed to pull away, as I looked down at her "Ino..." "Sakura, i'm so sorry..." She went to move her arms to run away but she ended up passing out, I quickly caught her and smiled weakly "you'll forget this by tomorrow... Won't you..." I placed her gently on the floor talking out my phone I called TenTen, it was lucky I knew she kept her phone in the bra. She soon came in and helped me carry Ino. When we got out Shikamaru offered to help me get her home.

"Sakura... I don't know if you're aware of this" he looked at me as we were walking back "But... Ino is in a lot of pain right now.."

I looked at him nodding "I know, I can see it every time I look into her eyes"

"You know why?" He asked.

"Shikamaru-San, she said she loved me to someone, and she kissed me..."

"That's because she does love you, she has for a long time".

I blushed brightly "I think I love her too..."

Shikamaru chuckled lightly "She'll be happy about that, she really will."

We soon arrived at Ino's as I dressed her then called Shikamaru to help me get her into bed. We stood in the doorway "You'll be alright getting back Shikamaru?" He nodded at me "Course, I needed to get out of there, too hot and i'm tired."

I giggled "You're always tired!"


I gave Shikamaru a hug as I thanked him then headed back inside, making sure I locked the door as I did. I looked at the time it was only 2am, we wasn't really out for that long. I headed back to Ino's room and put on my pj's, I then took out my phone leaving a text for TenTen 'Sorry we had to go, I know you understand and all. We'll have to go out another time, perhaps without having pre drinks first~! XD! Have a great night! Xx' I sent the text then joined Ino in her bed. I don't know if it was selfish... But I pulled her to me, even if she had no say in this I just wanted her close. I looked at her face as the moonlight hit it, "Ino-Chan, you're so beautiful, even if you don't remember last night i'll still remember how you feel. No matter what happens, my feelings for you won't fade." I leant down and kissed her forehead then her cheek. I saw a small smile form on her face- making me smile. I began playing with her hair, I had been wanting to run my hands through it since I started having these feelings for her. Her hair... Was soft like velvet, maybe even softer. I giggled, was this really real? Did she really just kiss me not long ago?

I shivered in excitement, but it came into realisation that if Ino does remember what happened will she choose to remember it? My expression fell a little as I cuddled into her a little more, I placed a small but meaningful kiss onto her lips, "I love you, Ino..."

Forbidden love ~ A Sakuino (Sakura x ino) fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now