Part nineteen

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Chapter 19~ I can't do this...

During the week, work went by just like normal, TenTen and I planned the weekend- practically everybody we knew was going. Sakura, went back to her normal self so I think i'm safe for now. Her and mum still take the mick out of me though! For some reason I didn't really have any bad dreams this week, but i'm not going to complain what so ever! The week just dragged by so much, I guess it's because I wanted the weekend to come by so badly.

And yes eventually the day came, I woke up at 11am -making sure I had as much rest as I needed, especially as it was going to be a late night, I ate my brunch and I even painted my nails for tonight. Sakura was due around 5pm this evening so we'll have plenty of time to eat and pretty ourselves up. But at the mean time it was only 3pm...
I sat on the sofa staring at the blank screen of the tv, I felt too lazy to reach for the control to turn the Tv on. My mother walks in as she plonks her hand onto my head "Anybody in there?" She giggled.
I shook my head and looked up at her "Oh, mum!" I blinked out of my day dream, looked down at my silver nail varnish, then back at her "I think I fell into a daydream? I thought I was still painting my nails!!" I looked at her as if she was going to answer my question. "Who knows" she shrugged "all I know is that you wasn't really watching anything on the television and you finished painting your nails."
I yawned "Well I don't have anything else to do. I already did everything." I sank low into the sofa.
"Did you choose tonights outfit yet?" She sat next to me asking.
I nodded, "Though it is between two dresses, so i'd say kind of?"
She smirked "I'm sure Sakura will help you choose!"
Even the use of her name and the thought of her seeing me half naked was making my cheeks glow red. "P-perhaps." I sighed as I looked across the room "Do we have any drink in the house?" I looked back at mum.
"Uh... Not much, I don't think."
"I'll buy some later on," I cuddled up to my Mum "First i'm gonna nap."
"Not on me you're not!" She pushed me off.
I gave her puppy dog eyes "B-but..."
She giggled as she pulled me back "I'm just kidding, just a cuddle okey, don't fall asleep or you won't wake up later."
I nodded weakly as I dozed off anyway, again no dream, but that was the best sleep I had ever had. I didn't feel alone, I felt so secure and protected in my mum's arms.

I woke up later on with my hair being stroked, I was practically purring as I stretched out. "I knew you'd fall asleep Ino." I heard a giggle. I looked up at my smiling Mother, "Sowwie mummy!" I giggled. I looked at the clock across the room '4:20'. "I best get to the corner shop before Sakura gets here, you want anything?" I sat up rubbing my eyes.
"Um, chocolate!" My mum pleaded. I rolled my eyes "alright" I stood up and made my way to the coat peg, I put on my green coat along with some black boots. I walked back into the room where my mum was, she was now watching television, "see you soon."
She nodded as she lifted her hand up to a short wave, "Bye!"
And with that I left for the corner shop with my earphones in, when I arrived I picked up the alcoholic drinks that I thought she would perhaps like and some that I defiantly liked, along with that random chocolate bar for my mum, before going to pay I saw TenTen walk in. "Ino-Chan!! You had the exact same idea as me?!" Her eyes were on the alcohol I had chosen. "Ah well yes, I thought it wouldn't hurt, plus it means I won't have to spend as much out." I said.
"I totally agree with you there! Well i'll see you later tonight!" She dashed off to the alcohol aisle as I went to pay.

I soon returned home, taking a look at my phone to see the time it read
4:55. Ah, she'll be over soonish. I better prepare some food! I rushed to the kitchen placing a few pizzas into the oven, then rushing into my room cleaning parts up. Mum walked in "Wheres my chocolate? Also Sakura is here."
"WHAT?!" I didn't hear her come in, I looked at the mess I had created in my room when looking for a dress and a pair of shoes earlier.
"I'm just kidding...." She handed my phone over to me "You left your phone in the kitchen and I read the text. Also you still have your coat on." She giggled. I pouted as I took my coat off then looked at the text 'Sorry i'm going to be late! My mum is annoyed at me because I made a huge mess in my room searching for an outfit! I'll message you again when i'm on my way!'
I laughed, "Same thing as me!"
My mum laughed along "It's quite funny actually," she passed me the bag that I left in the kitchen along with two glasses "You forgot these too!"
I face palmed "Ahhh geez, i'm so forgetful at the moment!!"
"Yeah, you really are. Thanks for the chocolate though! At least you didn't forget that!" She walked out the room chuckling.
I shook my head placing the bag and glasses on my shelf ,then carried on tidying.

Forbidden love ~ A Sakuino (Sakura x ino) fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now