Part Seventeen!

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Hey guys, i'm super sorry about the late update! I wasn't really in the writing zone for a while ^^' guess I was busy and stuff! But here you go~! here is part Seventeen!!! Enjoy~!

Part 17- girly night in

Once we all finished tidying around the shop we went upstairs, "well, i'm gonna put my fluffy socks on!" I squealed. Sakura pouted "i want fluffy socks..."
I giggled as I took both of her hands, "Then you can borrow mine silly,". Sakura's pout turned into a gleaming smile "YAY!!".
My mum had already rushed off to get her comfy clothes on.
Me and Sakura went up to my room, I walked to my drawers and pulled out a pair of fluffy yellow socks along with a pair of pink ones. I looked back up at the door seeing Sakura wasn't there "huh?".
My eyes scanned around the room to find her flopping herself onto my bed "Ahhh, Ino-Chan.. Today was sooooooo tiring!" She yawned as she held onto one of my teddies and had curled herself into a ball. She giggled as she looked up at me, "We should have that sleepover soon you know." She reminded me.
I nodded "Of course, but not until my cold is fully gone, I can't give my bestfriend a cold" i sat on the bed next to her "Can I ?" I smiled down at her and stroked her head.
She allowed her smile to grow and purred like a kitten, "Nyan- no me don't wanna get ill, meow!"
We both giggled, i faced away from her using the socks as an excuse to look away, my face felt hot... She was just too adorable. I held the socks up, "so, pink or yellow?" I asked her.
She sat up and took the yellow pair "Yellow remind me of you... And pink of me, so i'll wear yellow."
My blush grew deeper, "A-ah they do?!?" I giggled as I put my pair on "Maybe thats why I was drawn to them?" I stood up and walked over to my mirror and looked at myself, "i'm just going to edit my imperfections... Then we should take some pictures before dinner" I suggested "like old times??" I smiled as I looked over at her.
She nodded "that would be nice" she put on the fluffy socks and walked up to the mirror also, "Can I borrow some makeup too?" She asked.
I nodded, "sure".

I took my time slightly adjusting my eyeliner into a flick, I also added a small coat of mascara and blusher. "How's this?" I looked at Sakura. She had just finished applying her mascara, "Ino-Chan, you look beautiful!" She put her mascara down then hugged me from behind, although I was a centimetre taller than Sakura she seemed to have plenty control of the security of the hug, I blushed "S-sakura?". She leant her head onto my shoulder and giggled "Ino, I forgot to say how beautiful you looked today!"
I froze... It was as if the world had stopped for a few seconds or longer. A smile grew on my face, she... Complimented me like i wanted her to, I felt over the moon. "Thank you Sakura... You look beautiful, just as always."
It's true, every time I see her i'm never failed to be amazed by her beauty. The way her eyes stand out, her smile and even her forehead (that I always took the mik out of...) stood out in a perfect way. 'Sakura... Please let go before I loose control' I thought.
The way she acted was just too dangerous for me, because it makes me want her more and more. I held onto her hands and leant back into her hug "sorry if this seems a little weird, but see it as my way of hugging you back." I added a little giggle so she was assured that it wasn't for the reason it really was. She smiled "it's okay Ino-Chan... I like to feel this close to you because you mean so much to me!"
I blushed, I wanted to be so much more closer to her but this is enough for me, as long as she is happy...

"Hey, i like this picture!!" "Awww that's cute!!" "AHHH PRINT THIS ONE FOR US BOTH INO-CHAN!!"
After the hug, we eventually took a lot of photographs (probably over 100!), Sakura looked absolutely beautiful in every single one of them, even when she pulled a funny face. We were sat on the bed looking through all the pictures, I giggled "hey.. How do you do it?"
She looked at me confused "Huh?" She turned her head "Do what?".
"Look so pretty in every single picture, even when you pull a face?".
She looked back at the camera, "it's because i'm happy... Because I can smile with both my eyes and my mouth, because before If i smiled.. It was to hide how lonely I was without you." She leant her head on my shoulder "I know how much of a mistake it was for us to fall out just because of a boy... And I won't lie, it really hurt."
I looked down at her, placing the camera on my knees then wrapping my arms around her, "Sakura, it's fine now... Were friends again, i'm glad you can smile now..."
Sakura... You don't realise how much you torture me... But from now on i'll focus on making that smile of yours to last forever-until you don't want me anymore.
At that moment my mum walked in "Hey girls, dinner won't be lon...GROUP HUG?!" -"MUM WA-" too late... She dived behind us and squeezed us tight "Sowwie sowwie!! I saw the chance and I took it!!!" She giggled as she looked down at the camera, "PICTURES WITHOUT ME?!???"
Yep.... Thats when we probably took about 100 more photographs, it sure is going to be expensive to print these out, but at the end of the day... It will be worth it.

We were soon sitting up the table, Sakura's eyes were lit up as she saw the mini buffet in front of us "SO MUCH FOOD!" She looked left and right at the dishes. "Sakura, if you can't decide what to have you could always have a bit of everything?" I suggested.
She nodded as she gently arranged food onto her plate, "i'll try the other stuff after this lot!! ITADAKIMASUUUUUUUU" She gobbled down her food.
"Something tells me food is where her heart is!" Mum giggled.
"itadakimasu!" Me and mum chanted.
Soon after finishing we were all pretty full, "We'll have to leave the icecream until later, if not i'm going to explode!!!" Sakura groaned. I giggled "You shouldn't have eaten so much, dummy!"
She pouted rather cutely, "I couldn't help it!" My mother smiled "well i'm sure when we pick a film about half way we can get the ice-cream out!"
We all nodded and raised from our seats, "I'll wash up, you two go and pick a film, alright?" I smiled as I began stacking plates, they both agreed before waddling to the television room.
I giggled as they reminded me so much of penguins, once the plates were stacked up I ran the water and began cleaning the dishes.

Once I was done I went into the television room, "So you want a chick flick Ino??" "YEAH!! Or a horror...!"
I blinked at them both, "You still haven't decided?". They both looked up at me and began giggling "Nope! Gomen gomen!!!" Sakura apologised.
I face palmed as I shook my head "I was gone for ages as well..."
Eventually we found a film and found ourselves snuggled under thick covers. I was overjoyed to the fact they chose a horror, purely to the fact that Sakura leant on me or held my hand when she was scared, it was just simply adorable!!
Half way through the film we ended up having ice-cream like planned, and thats when it was me becoming the piggy. I ate at least nearly a full tub to myself.
"And you call me a dummy? Bet you feel sick right now?" Sakura giggled. I looked away.."M-maybe a little."
"Ino-Chan never knows when to stop when it comes to ice-cream." My mother mumbled with a mouth full of ice-cream. I blew a raspberry "Neither do you!"

Shortly after the film had finished, we all sat there with blank expressions. "I'm never going to watch that film ever again..." Sakura said horrified. "Me either.." Me and mum agreed. We all then got a hot chocolate and sat back on the sofa talking about guys... Ugh, I spent most of it daydreaming!
"Ino". I yawned to myself not taking any notice of my name being used in a sentence "what do you think Ino?"
I stared inside my cup, staring at the thick chocolate coloured liquid, I took a gulp as the warm liquid travelled down my throat relaxing me, I sighed and leant back "INO!!".
"WHOA!!!!!" I snapped out of my day dream, "WHO WHAT WHEN WHY?!????". I was surprised that my hot chocolate didn't manage to spill anywhere!
Sakura and mum was giggling at me, "I asked you a question, silly." Sakura smiled.
"Sorry, what as it?" I asked.
"Do you have your eye on a guy?".
I froze... "W-w-well... I-i uh.." I looked at my mother then away from the both of them "No.".
Sakura twisted her head in confusion, "Then... It's a girl you have forbidden feelings for, isn't it?".
I gulped, if I say now she'll probably think i'm disgusting! But... At least i'll know how she'll feel about it. "Yes, it is." I looked at the both of them "but I want to keep who it is to myself... Please...".
Sakura had a slight look of disappointment on her face "aww.. I wanted to know who it was!".
I shook my head "No can do! Teehee!" I carried on slurping at my hot chocolate. Was she disgusted? Will she now think badly of me now?
I looked at my mother for reassurance but she just shrugged her shoulders. And without realising a tear had fallen down my face and onto my cheek.
"Ino... Chan?" Sakura looked at me worried and wiped the tear away. "Sakura, please don't hate me! Or think i'm disgusting! I'm still the same Ino!"
She looked at me in shock "i'd NEVER think of you differently just because you like girls!!!"
She pulled me into a hug, luckily I managed not to spill my drink like I nearly did earlier! "See Ino-Chan, I told you it'd be alright" smiled my mother.
"You silly ole chicken" giggled Sakura.
I didn't say a word, I just enjoyed the feeling of being in my best friends arms.

The time had come for Sakura to go, we all put our coat on and linked arms as we walked her home, giggling and discussing the horror we watched... Which was slightly scary since we were out in the darkness of the night!!!
We soon arrived at Sakura's. "Thank you both for tonight!!!" She threw her arms around the both of is and we said it was alright.
"I'll text you later Ino, okey?"
I confirmed "okey Sakura, goodnight!"
We watched her as she made it to her door, she walked in and went around the corner of the door, she let off a usual smile and waved as she closed the door.

"You were risking your friendship there a little wasn't you?" My mum suddenly said. I looked up at her, as my eyes watered to the max, water spilt out of them as I threw myself into my mother -wrapping my arms tightly around her. My cries were muffled into her chest, I couldn't hold it any longer! This forbidden love has gotten too much for me, that I simply just cannot bare it anymore!
"Sweetie, lets walk a little bit away from Sakura's house so you won't risk her seeing you like this."
I pulled away quietly, wiping my tear stained face as my mother grabbed my hand and pulled me away from outside Sakura's house. She took me to a nearby bench and sat me next to her. I sniffled as I laid my head on her shoulder, squeezing her hands tightly "i've never... Felt the need to cry so much..." I chocked "I don't want to loose her, but my love is growing so strong that it's soon going to hurt her!". My mother squeezed my hands back "Ino, you need to make a decision... Live with it or end it."
End mine and Sakura's friendship? Could... I really do that? I don't want to do that... But it's either hurt myself...or hurt Sakura.

Shortly after we made our way home, mum kisses my forehead and gave me a tight secure hug "Sleep well sweetpea, I love you."
I smiled "I love you too mum."
I dragged myself into my room and dressed into my pjs, I looked at my smudged makeup on my face, "I'll decide what to do in my own time, right? In the mean time...." I opened up the makeup removal wipes and began taking the makeup off "... In the mean time i'll pretend as if everything's alright".
After I turned off the light and crawled into bed, I looked at my phone seeing a message from Sakura which was sent about half an hour ago. 'Thanks for today Ino! Hope you had as much fun as I did!! Day off work tomorrow YIPPE!!! See you soon!! Goodnight ^___^!!!!<3!'
I closed my phone and shoved it under my pillow, I didn't bother answering. I hope she doesn't worry to that I didn't reply but, I just want to sleep and lock the rest of the world away tonight. I snuggled into my covers and closed my eyes, surprisingly I fell asleep quickly.

Forbidden love ~ A Sakuino (Sakura x ino) fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now