Part fifteen

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Part 15- cold...

I woke up again but this time at 11am, I guess it wasn't too bad of a time, although I did feel a little under the weather. I yawned as I lifted myself out of my bed. I felt a tickle in my nose, not thinking about it I rubbed it- only to provoke it to make me sneeze. This sneeze was followed by another and another and another. "Oh, please no!" It was true, I had a cold! Oh GREAT! I thought I would have just escaped it, but no- I had to catch a cold!

I rushed into the bathroom to grab some tissue and already by then my face was slightly swollen. I moaned "I HATE BEING ILL!" I dragged my feet downstairs to see my mother.

"Oh thank goodness you are finally up!! You have half an hour until we get a delivery, how could you even sleep in so la..." She finally looked at me "Ino-Chan!!! You don't look so great!!!" She rushed over putting her hand (which was shockingly cold) onto my forehead. "Oh dear my baby girl is unwell!!"

I sighed "I think i'll be alright" i let out a multiple lot of sneezes. "Alright..? Whatever! Get your bottom back into bed and get some rest? I'll have to ring Sakura to help me with the delivery..."

"Yes mum..." I moaned as i dragged myself back upstairs and into bed.

Ten minutes later my mum came up with a nice bowl of soup "I hope this'll help Ino" she smiled as she placed it on my bedroom desk. I sat up and looked at it, it was Mum's homemade soup!!! YES!!

I smiled "thank you, mum" she nodded as she left the room.

I ate what I could of it, most of the time I was sneezing. But the warmth of it soothed my cold very slightly.

I placed my bowl back onto the desk and sighed, well I wasn't very tired anymore so it's not like I could sleep... I snuggled into my covers and scanned my eyes around the pattern of the ceiling. After ten minutes of doing that I found myself bored once again. "I could be collecting the flower delivery right now..." I then had a thought, I knew that Sakura was most likely downstairs with my mum collecting them and sorting them out. I blushed... What if she came up here and saw me like this? She'd tell me off if she knew how I got this way- as it's not the first time i've done this. Last time I got a cold from sleeping in the bath Sakura found it funny... But that was when we were rivals , so of course she would.

"Hmmn... What if she was my nurse.." An instant image of Sakura in a sexy nurse outfit came into my head, I shot under my covers rolling about "No no no no you're so rude Ino Yamanaka!!"i giggled slightly embarrassed, I know just how gorgeous she would look. I popped up from under the cover and sniffled, although I could risk giving Sakura my cold, I still wished that she would come and visit me. So... I decided I would go to see her-or at least peak at her.

I got out of bed and put some slippers on and my dressing gown, I carried my bowl to the kitchen then I went downstairs. I peeked my head around the corner, I saw mum carrying in flowers followed by Sakura. I smiled to myself 'beautiful as always'.

"Phew, thats the last lot!!" My mum said relieved. Sakura nodded to agree.

"Thanks for your help!! Poor Ino-Chan has caught a cold, not sure how though" my mum giggled. Sakura giggled a little also, "I bet she fell asleep in the bath, she's done that before!" She looked down "Although we were rivals then... I did actually care.."

I blushed deeply as I tiptoed back up the stairs 'S-SHE CARED?' I felt my cheeks grow more hotter. I reached my room "She really did care for me then.." I smiled as I got back into my bed and snuggled up to my covers, I closed my eyes still wearing a smile "i'm so glad" and from that I fell asleep.

I soon woke up with a face looking over me, my eyes were still slightly blurred so I blinked a few times. I soon began to see light pink, It was Sakura!! She came to see me! When my eyes came to full focus I smiled at her "Oh,Hello!" I giggled.

Sakura giggled "Hello Ino-Chan! Did you fall asleep in the bath again?"

I nodded, "Sadly I caught a cold from it!" My nosed twitched as I covered my nose with my hand and sneezed. Sakura put her hand on my forehead "You're really not well are you..." I shook my head "I was hoping I escaped it but I was wrong" but if I hadn't become ill then I probably wouldn't feel Sakuras touch right now, even though her hand was cold compared to my forehead her touch was heavenly. She giggled "Oh Ino-Chan, you are so silly" she pulled her hand away, "I guess this means the sleepover won't be any time soon, right?"

"I'm s-sorry for that..." I looked down, then back up at her determined "BUT! I am determined to get better soon and then when I am we can have our sleepover!!"

A wide smile grew on Sakura's face as she nodded "YES! Thats the spirit!!" She cheered. I smiled to myself feeling randomly strong, until I needed to sneeze again. I covered my nose and let out a few sneezes "Awh nuts..." I mumbled.

"But... I don't think you'll be getting any better any time soon.."

"I think you may be right" I agreed.

After a while of chatting Sakura had left me to rest, I daren't move half of the time- only for food,the toilet or for a wash.

A few days had past and I was feeling almost as good as new, just a few sniffles here and there but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

I decided today i'd dress warmly, I put on a jumper, some jeans and big fluffy socks, and did I feel super cozy!!

I walked downstairs to see my mum. "Oh you are looking even more better than yesterday and the day before! I'm so glad!" She smiled "You can use today to rest then come back to work if you like?"

I looked at her and nodded "Thank goodness! I've been bored cooped up in bed!!"

She giggled "I thought you'd be disappointed about going back to work.." But then she realised "Ooohhhh! I know!" She gave me a funny look.

"W-what?!" I stuttered. "You're excited to see Sakura tomorrow aren't you!!!" She stuck her tongue out.

My face grew red "M-maybe...."

It was true... I really want to see Sakura again... I know I only saw her a few days ago, but a few days ago feels like a long time ago! Especially when you are looking forward to something! And I really am just looking forward to seeing her face, hearing her voice and just enjoying her company really.

Forbidden love ~ A Sakuino (Sakura x ino) fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now