Part Twenty Six!

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Part 26- I promise Ino...

> Ino's P.O.V <

We cuddled on the grass for a while, enjoying one another's company. Outside it was getting chilly but... The heat we created was enough to keep us warm. All i could hear was the wind blowing the trees. Then footsteps in the distance. I felt Sakura flinch. "Uh ino-chan... We should go..."
I looked up at her "why? You afraid of being seen with me?!" I almost snapped. S**t... Wrong move...
I saw her face drop as she began stuttering "n-no! T-that's not it!!" She looked away "it's just... Cold yes it's cold ino-chan!"
I could tell she was making an excuse. I sat up, "right, it's cold". I lifted myself up, I know it annoys me but....
I held my hand out to help her up. "Let's go home Sakura." I smiled. She took my hand as I lifted her up. "We can watch some films?" She asked.
"Anything you'd like."

> Sakura's P.O.V <!?!?Why am I so afraid...?! Damn it. I feel like such a fool! I can't ruin this night anymore than I have!
As Ino helped me up I suggested to watch films together, at least then we can cuddle. "Anything you'd like." She said.
I smiled at her "yay!" I hooked onto her arm, kissing her on the cheek.
We then began walking back. Unfortunately it was a little awkward, I felt as if Ino was holding herself back. She distanced herself a little from me, looking away at the scenery. Was she afraid of screwing up? I know i'm scared of the public knowing but...
I stopped walking.
She noticed shortly after.
"-Ino! I'm sorry!" I threw myself at her.
"H-huh?! Whats wrong Saku-Chan?!" I saw worry in her eyes.
"I will try! I promise! I'll try harder! We will do this Ino-Chan! We will become public i swear to you!" I almost shouted.
At first her face was full of shock, but... It somewhat changed to a warm expression. "Thank you" she almost whispered as she pulled me into a hug. "i love you, Sakura..."
I hugged onto her tightly, i love her! I love her so much!!!

> Ino's P.O.V <

We arrived back at mine shortly after, I couldn't help but smile all the way. Our hands were linked together, I was so happy. I opened my front door "my lady first" I giggled. She smiled as she pecked me before entering the house. We made our way not even half way down the corridor and... "HOW WAS IT?!?!?!?" Must I even say who shouted that...?
My mum burst in through the other room "I went to the shop and brought lots of romantic films for you!!!" She ended up dropping them on the floor as there were so many, she was unable to hold them all.

Me and Sakura swapped gazes, "Mum..." I looked at her. "What is this?!"
She giggled like a maniac "you two can have a romantic movie niiiight" she sang.
Sakura bent down to pick up the films whilst scanning the covers with her eyes. I saw twilight on the floor and begged that Sakura did not like that film!!! I saw her reach that way and spoke quickly.
"Mum! What if Sakura didn't like romantic movies! I for sure do no-"
A squeal interrupted me.
Oh god... Please no!!!
"-THE NOTEBOOK!" She hugged onto the case "I LOVE THIS FILM!!"
Uh...oh....well.... At least it wasn't twilight!
I stood there between the two of them.
"It's so rommaaantic!!"
My eyes widened, "oh uh! See heres the thing MUM! It's mine and Sakuras night... Not yours sooo...." I took Sakuras arm as I pulled her to my room. "NO MUM'S ALLOWED!!" I said before slamming the door. I sighed as I leant against the door. Sakura was already putting the DVD into the player, excited as anything she threw her clothes off and jumped into bed. I blushed lightly at the fact that she was only in her underwear!!!!
"Hurry hurry Ino-Chan!!! Quick before I press play without you!!"
I sighed as i took my dress off, joining her in the bed. Cuddling up close to her as she pressed play.

All I could even think about was how close we were... Skin to skin. I sighed in relief as I cuddled into her as close as I could. It... Felt so good.

> Sakura's P.O.V <

We rushed up to Ino's to watch the film and before we knew it we were cuddled in bed in our underwear watching the film. Although I was aware that she wasn't interested in the film I was happy to have her company. She snuggled her face into my neck as I felt her lightly breathing upon the surface. Feeling slightly tense I kept watching the film, her breath heated up my neck more and more before it became too overwhelming. It didn't help that we had so much skin to skin contact!!!! "I-ino-chan". There was no response. Huh? I looked down at her to see her eyes were closed. "S-she fell asleep?!" I stuttered out loud. All this time I was getting slightly aroused and she was asleep?! I blushed majorly as i bit my lip looking back at the television screen. Ino moved a little in her sleep as she rubbed her cheek against me. I smiled lightly "she's just too adorable."

Soon after the film was over I got up lightly to ensure Ino didn't feel uncomfortable I lifted her head gently onto the pillow beforehand. I turned off the television, with that I came across a picture of us in a frame. I smiled picking it up. It was the same picture that I had displayed in my room. "This was the one we both agreed was the best" i smiled to myself. "I love you ino...."

Forbidden love ~ A Sakuino (Sakura x ino) fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora