Part Thirty Six

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Part 36

> Sakura's P.O.V <

"I'm so sorry." Everything felt numb. Was this real? Was I dreaming? "Sakura?" I heard a familiar voice speak to me but I just couldn't respond to anything. Everything just sounded so distant and muffled.  I didn't want to hear the words they were throwing at me but I could and I wish I couldn't.

Ino had invited them in to sit down. The house was dark and held a lonely atomsphere. Ino helped me sit down. Oh, she was ever so good to me. She held my hand tight as I heard the news. "I'm afraid I have bad news...Your parents were involved in an accident... they didn't make it." I heard these words echo over and over. I didn't even listen to the details. I only heard little snippets that I could only just make out "They died upon arrival..." I just shut myself off and before I knew it I was in Ino's arms listening to voices that seemed such a long distance away. "Theres nothing we could have done...."
Before I knew it we were alone."It's okay... it's all okay. I will look after you. I promise Sakura..." Her voice stood out and had woken me from my daze as she held me tight....And that was when the realisation kicked in allowing the tears to leak out. Everything was going great. I was going to tell them! Tell them about me and Ino. But now... now they aren't even on this earth anymore. I held on tightly to Ino as she was one of the only people I had left that I loved. " Come on... you need to rest." Ino said softly. I shook my head I didn't want to be in this house... as all i'd expect is for them to walk through the door, giddy with smiles on their faces, asking how my meal was and telling me all about their night...then myself passing on the news awaiting their reactions. But now I will never know. I'll never know whether they will accept me or if they will disown me and it hurts. It hurts so bad. I would rather they disowned me then this horrible fate!

> Ino's P.O.V <

I could never have imagined something so terrible happening. But all I knew right now is that I needed to be her strength. I held her so tight until she looked up at me, her eyes so puffy and so bloodshot. "Can we go to yours... I don't want to stay here." She managed to croak. I couldn't refuse any of her wishes right now as I agreed.  I walked her to my home. The walk was quiet. But what was I to expect?? I can't imagine what she is going through. We arrived at mine as I let her lay in bed before preparing a cup of tea for the both of us but when I arrived back in the room she was fast asleep, her pillow covered in wet patches from her tears. I sat next to her and stroked her face "I'm so sorry... I really am." I whispered. My mum poked her head around the corner "I heard you come in... as well as her sobs... Ino whats wrong?"

I sat in the living room with her drinking the drinks I had made. "We had a wonderful night. We really did, but when we got back we received the most horrible news. Her....Her parents died in an accident..." I found myself almost in tears. Mum covered her mouth in shock "No... Sakura... that poor girl." She whispered in grief. I felt a tear drop falling from my eye "I can't imagine what it's like... if I had ever lost you my world would shatter... she hurts so much mum..." I found more tears falling from my eyes. She sat closer to me putting her arms around me "She needs you now, more than ever. It will be hard, but the pain will slowly weaken within time."

She was right. It was going to be hard. I knew Sakura wouldn't be herself for a long time. And I was the one who was going to help her through it. I shortly returned to the room as I got into bed next to her I heard her mumble a little as she turned in the bed and cuddled up to me. I held her tight, I wanted her to know that I wasn't going anywhere. This indeed was going to be a difficult time for the both of us.

~ The next day ~

I had woken up almost forgetting about what had happened but the broken hearted girl laid next to me. I hear my mums voice "Ino... Tsunade is at the door!". I stood up throwing on a robe and going down the stairs. I entered the front room where she sat twiddling her thumbs in thought. "Yes?" I asked.  "Forgive me Ino... but is Sakura okay? I need to speak to her...." she held an expression filled with sympathy as I nodded and lead her upstairs. "She hurts... please... Tsunade be careful." I pleaded. She put her hand on my shoulder "Don't you worry..." She smiled very lightly before going into my bedroom. "I'll take good care of her..." she closed the door.

Within that time I went for a shower. I stood there as the water hit my face and ran down my body. I just didn't know how I was supposed to feel. Was I supposed to force myself to be happy? Act like it never happened? But if I did that would Sakura think I was being inconsiderate about her feelings? I let out a deep sigh before smothering my hair in shampoo. But then I thought... what if Tsunade wanted to take Sakura with her? "Don't you worry.... I'll take care of her" Is she... really going to take her away? Does that mean I couldn't be there for her anymore?

When finishing my shower I walked out with the towel wrapped around my body. In the front room sat Tsunade. "Ah... once you are dressed we need to talk Ino." I nodded before going into my mums room get some clothes on . As I dressed I thought about what would happen if she let Sakura move in with her... I'm sure Sakura would find it more spacious to heal her emotional wounds but I just want to be there for her.  I went back through and sat beside Tsunade. "What do you want to talk about...?" I acted stupid as if I didn't know what she was going to ask. I guess I secretly hoped she wouldn't ask about it... "Ino... Sakura's parents asked me long ago that if anything happened to them that she would come and stay with me. However, she has come of age where it has become her choice." She looked at me "I think it's best she stayed with me... seeing you and your mother together will just make it more difficult"

~ Sakuras P.O.V ~

"Sakura? My honey?" I heard a voice which wasn't my mothers neither was it Ino's. I lifted my head that was hidden under the blanket and saw Tsunade. "Tsunade?" I managed to croak. I sat up remembering I wasn't in my room but that wasn't the important thing right now. Tsunade sat on the bed next to me and instantly wrapped her arms around me. I couldn't help but cry... even if Lee tried to comfort me about this he'd see my weakest self coming out. "Sakura... I will look after you okay? You will come and live with me. And I will-" 
I cut in pulling away from her "-What? Wheres my choice in this? Just because now you see me as naive!".
Tsunade's face dropped "No Sakura! You just lost your Mum and Dad!....I want the best for you... I need the best for you..." She paused "Maybe... You're right... i'm sorry i'm just so use to taking control of situations. Forgive me. I will leave the choice up to you." She stood up " But remember.... stay here and you'll be full of even more sadness you'd be keeping Ino at a low, and you will be jealous of her relationship with her mum" she walked towards the door "I'm sorry, but it's the truth.... and I don't want you to hurt even more than already you do" She walked out closing the door behind her.

I bit my lip in anger, she was so cruel at times... I stood up and went to Ino's mirror, the reflection that looked back at me wasn't the Sakura I knew... and i'm sure it was going to be that way for a long time now. Tears flood my eyes once again "Mum.... Dad.... "

> Ino's P.O.V <

I nodded "Maybe you are right Tsunade... I can't make the pain worse for her. At least with you she will be able to recover without seeing something she's just lost..." I stared at the floor as she placed her hand on mine. "It's the right choice Ino." But then the next words she spoke filled me up with such anger. "Then maybe she can find a man, after all... you don't quite fit that aspect now do you?" She smirked a little.  "Of all the things to bring up at a time like this you choose the lowest thing....?" The anger hid behind my gritted teeth "This is exactly what Sakura was scared of... judgemental bitches like you" I stood up with a stomp.
"Oh come on... we both know her parents would not have accepted her... do you really want-"
"GET OUT!" I watched as Tsunade smirked before leaving the room "Bye Ino... how lovely to have seen you... Tell Sakura to call me when she's ready won't you?" She left the room. There was so much I wanted to say to her but I couldn't... why would she change the subject so suddenly? Does she even care Sakura lost her parents?!?!  I sat on the sofa with my head in my hands "What now....? Why is it always one thing after another...?!"

(Not really sure if I like how i've done this part.... :/ ugh.....please let me know what you think...):   )

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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Forbidden love ~ A Sakuino (Sakura x ino) fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now