Part Thirty Four!

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Part 34: I'm sorry

Ino's >P.OV<

I looked at her in a great deal of shock, I couldn't deal with this in the state I was. "Just stop! S-stop lying to me!! I can't deal with any of this!" I crouched down with my face in my hands as I shook my head. "No more...please... No more" I mumbled.
Sakura stared at me before coming down to my level "Ino I know you're in a drunken mess but... I never loved Lee..."
Her words allowed me to look back up at her "I always loved you... I was just afraid of my Mum being ashamed of me and you know that!" She put both of her hands on my shoulders "Do you not believe me?! Do you seriously think I could love Lee?! I did it to try and forget! And let you move on! But I couldn't!! Ino! Do you not believe me?!" She asked with a desperate look. At that time Temari came outside from the club "Heres your water! Sorry it took so long TenTen asked where you....was... Oh hey Sakura." Temari smiled slightly before passing me the water, I stood up to take the cup, Sakura had stood up too to match our heights. "Thanks Temari... Uh..." I took a sip of my drink hoping I wouldn't have to explain.
"Don't you think it's best you leave her alone Sakura? She's not feeling that great..." Temari suggested gently.
I shook my head "It's okay Tema... You go inside i'll join you soon?" I smiled lightly at her as she nodded and went back inside.

The cold water was refreshing and had managed to wash away the taste of vomit but not the alcohol... Oh god just how much did I drink... And how did I almost forget the situation I'm in right now?!? I looked back up at Sakura who had a worried expression on her face "Are you okay?" She asked. I felt my face scrunch up almost in full anger but instead it was mixed with confusion "I don't get what you're trying to do right now... But I really can't deal with this right now... You break my heart and expect to come back so easily... It's... It's... ITS NOT FAIR!" I threw my plastic cup which still had water in as it splashed on the floor hitting Sakura's feet in the process. I began stomping away back into the nightclub as my hand was grabbed and I was pulled back into a tight hug that I could not get out of. The tears that were forming in my eyes but I refused to let them out. "Sakura! Stop!" I struggled as I tried to push her away but my drunken strength was pathetically low. Thats when she pulled me into a kiss; making the tears leak from the side of my eyes and trickle down my cheek. I sobbed within the kiss and found myself holding tightly onto her. I still loved her but I was terrified... Terrified of being hurt again! She pulled away and looked me dead in the eyes. "I'm not afraid anymore...I love you" Her words echoed through my mind over and over, I laid my head on her shoulder as I cried hysterically. "Sakura.....Sakura!"

Sakura's > P.O.V<

The truth is that I am afraid... But if it means being with the one I truly love then it's worth every moment. I took her back into the club to tell Temari she was going home then we set off to a hotel room. We both had decided it was best not to go to any of our homes tonight. Ino had sobered up a little bit as I sat there and explained it all.

"I... As you already could tell I was afraid of being disowned... And leaving you for so long waiting for us to come out I just... Didn't want to hurt you any longer... So I did what I thought was the best thing..." I swallowed nervously as she held my hands tightly as we sat on the edge of the bed. "I decided to hurt you... So you'd try and get over me... And i'd try and get over you." I looked up at her, her beautiful blue eyes focused deeply into mine. "I'm... I'm so sorry... For all the anger I caused you!" I found it was my eyes now watering ready to have a downpour.
She shook her head "I'm glad you made me listen... Or this would have never happened..." She leant forward as she caressed my hair "I just... Want the world to understand my feelings for you..." She pressed her lips onto mine and thats when the waterworks began. This time it was me sobbing through our kisses. She pushed my body down as I was now laying on the bed, her body pressed against mine fitting together like it always did. She pulled away as all that could escape my lips was a sob which translated "I'm sorry." Her lips pecked mine again "I'm sorry ..." And again "I'm sorry" and again. She smiled lightly at me as she lifted her hand up to wipe my tears. "You have a lot to make up to me..." She winks. "After all i'm still angry at you..." She leant down and spoke softly in my ear "But just so hopelessly in love with you..." She moved down to my neck as she grinds her teeth lightly against my neck before biting down hard. I let out a gasp as I managed to grab a handful of her hair in my hand. All I could find myself doing was apologising as she 'punished' me with this delightful pain. I didn't deserve this I know... But it is all I wanted in life... Her. She is all I want. She is all I need. If my mother does disown me then it's a shame for her, it's her loss not mine.

Ino's >P.O.V<

Was that a dream? Oh please God... Don't be a dream! I beg you!

I woke up seeing what I had been craving to see for so long. It was Sakura. It was real! What happened last night was real!! I reached out as I tucked her hair behind her ear. "I forgive you... Just... Never hurt me again..." I leant over kissing her forehead. "I promise." I looked down to see that she was awake, "I promise that I'll take care of you and make you a part of me forever, after all you are my everything... I was always meant to be with you." Her sleepy smile made me feel at ease. I cuddled back up to her again our bodies fitting together like it was always meant to, I found myself falling back asleep into dream land, I didn't care what the time might have been all I cared about was the warmth I felt both inside and out.

Forbidden love ~ A Sakuino (Sakura x ino) fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now