Part Eighteen

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Chapter 18- the thought of losing you

Of course that night, Despise the fact I fell straight to sleep, that advantage didn't stop the disadvantage of a bad dream happening, and like any other bad dream... I lost her like always.

~the dream~

I sighed as I was waiting for my pink haired beauty to arrive for our date, I was so excited that I arrived a little bit too early. I looked down at my phone as it was almost turning 10:30. "Maybe I was too early... She's not on time herself". I put my phone away and looked down at my outfit, I put so much effort in today just for this date, I really wanted to make a good impression. I looked at my phone again '10:31' it feels like ages ago since I last looked at it. I started to feel a little bit nervous, but to that I got a pair of arms wrap around my body. "EH??".
"GOMENNNNNN!! I'm so sorry i'm late! My mother needed help!"
My pink haired beauty had arrived, I put my hands on hers "hey there beautiful, don't you worry about being late okay?"
She let go and swung herself to in front of me, "but I made my cupcake wait," she wrapped her arms around me, resting her hands on the back of my neck "For that I am sorry".
I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her hips, "Apology accepted."
Sakura reached up and gave me a deep kiss, hmmn, it was perfect finally being able to call her mine. I slid my tongue into her mouth as I gently massaged my tongue against hers, this was more than I could ever imagine doing with her. We pulled away with our cheeks glowing tomato red "A-ah sorry, I got a little carried away." I blushed. She giggled as she took my hand, "Don't be sorry, silly!"
I smiled at her "I guess... I'm just not use to it".

We started to walk and made it to the nearest park. There we sat down under a tree, I leaned against the tree as she sat between my legs leaning on me, she grabbed both of my hands and wrapped them around her. "Promise me you'll never let go..."
I blushed as I leant forwards, placing my chin on her shoulder, giving her a small kiss on her neck, "I promise" I whispered.
At that moment the sky turned grey, "Oh? Did we choose the wrong day to go out?" Sakura wondered. I looked up at the sky "Seems that way..."
The clouds then bursted with rain, unpredicted rain. "Oh my goodness!!!" Sakura worried. We both stood up as I held Sakura against me under the tree. "Where on earth did this rain come from???!" I worried.
This isn't real.... Is it?
The rain got so heavy the puddles got big and deep, and then even worse the park started to flood- it was as if there was a secret dome placed around the park that was slowly filling up."HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!?! Sakura!!!"
She looked at me worried "Don't let go! Please!!!"
I held onto her as tight as I could, squeezing my eyes shut. "This isn't real, this isn't real, this isn't real..." I repeated to myself.
The water had slowly filled and was now up to our chest, it suddenly got rough and tried tearing us apart. "NO!!"
"INO!!!!" I have never heared Sakura scream so loud before, the water had ripped us apart. "NO!! I PROMISED HER!!!" "INO!!!"


"SAKURA!!!" I woke up with the cover over my face, I struggled out as I reached my hand out to grab what I believed was Sakura, but was really thin air. THUD! With that I fell out of bed, resulting in a loud bang. "O-ouch!"
A pain ran through my hip, I put my hand over it as I sat up "Ahhh, why me?!" I brought my knees up to my chest as I rested my head on them. "I get it okey!" These stupid dreams... I already get the fact that I can't be with the one I love!!! I sat there for at least half an hour before a shiver ran up my spine, I decided to stand up- pain ran through my hip as I did so. "Ow ow ow ow!" I yelped. I pulled down my trouser a little bit as I stared at the bruise on my hip in the mirror, pouting as I did so "I have the worst luck, ever!" I sighed.

I decided to get dressed , I put on a purple oversized jumper with some black leggings along with some red fluffy socks, I brushed the knots out of my hair then my sight focused on the clock, my face dropped. ".... 6:30am....why am I awake so EARLY?!" I pouted and it was as if a thunder cloud had formed over my head. "All that extra time I could have had in bed!!!" I sighed as I dragged myself into the kitchen. I looked out the window, the morning was still young, my eyes felt heavy as if they were being weighed down- I felt in a huge grump!
I made myself a cup of tea and sat at the table, staring into space.

I snapped out of it, looking at the wall clock, it read 7am. I sighed as I drank my cooled down tea.
I decided i'd make me and mum some breakfast, since i'm up so early.
I finished cooking about half 7, and was soon knocking at her bedroom door. "Mum, I made you breakfast." I said as I walked in.
I saw her turn from one side to another, "mum!" She turned again mumbling.
"Made you FOOD!"
She sat up quickly blinking away, "What time is it?!". She mumbled as she slowly laid back down. "7:30" I coughed.
"Hm??" She stretched out. This time I said it clearly "7:30..."
The room went silent, for a few short seconds , she suddenly sat up with the biggest evil look ever!! "WHHHATTTT?!?!? You wake me up on a day off?! I COULD HAVE STAYED IN BED ALLLLL DAY! But nooo! You better have a good excuse!!!"
I giggled "but I made pancakes!!!" I then looked down "I also... Had a bad dream.."
She smiled lightly at me as she patted the other side of her bed. I walked over, placing the tray down as I did, climbed into bed next to her and cuddled her. "What happened Ino-Chan...?"
I sighed as she played with my hair and told her how my dream went.
We carried on hugging for a few more minutes then decided to eat.

"Hmmn... They're a bit cold.." Mum groaned. "Well, I did make them a while ago.." I said.
"Still good though!!" She then added. We exchanged smiles as we munched away.
"I think i'll go into town today, perhaps print them pictures out, but not all..." I thought out loud. "Hm, sounds good, but dress warmly when you do, it's meant to be cold today! After all it is autumn!"
I nodded, we soon finished our breakfast and I took the tray back and washed everything up.

I went back to my room and applied a generous face of makeup that included: Foundation, blusher, eyeliner on the top lid and mascara.
I put on my coat and a beanie hat along with some ankle length boots , I also grabbed a shoulder bag that was in a shape of a cat.
I grabbed my camera and my phone as I left putting them into my bag. Is there anything you'd want while i'm in town?" I asked as I popped my head around the lounge room's door.
My mum was sat in there reading horoscopes again, "Oh uh, yes, can you send this letter for me?" She held out a letter, I walked into the room taking the envelope, I shoved it into my kitty shoulder bag."Anything else?" I asked. She held out some money. "Heres some of your pay, print some pictures for me too". I giggled as I took the money placing that into my purse also.

I walked to town and on the way listened to music through my earphones, humming along as i did. Today I was going to try my best to be happy all day- whether i'll succeed or not is a different matter.
I walked to a store with a photograph printer, before heading to that aisle I looked in another which had a great selection of makeup. I sighed as I stared at the No'7 makeup selection, I guess in the end it was just wishful thinking until I got paid more money or something. I made my way to the printer, I sat on the chair in front of the printer as I tapped the screen to start. I connected my camera to the machine waiting for the photos to be read. I yawned as I stretched up, just as my arms were up a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. "Huh??". "Ino-Chan who thought i'd see you here!!" The voice giggled. I... Kind of wanted to avoid her but how could I help this? "Saku-Chan, what a pleasant surpise!" I giggled. She smiled as she tightened the grip a little "You came to develop the photographs?!" She squealed with excitement, "yes, I needed to deliver something for mum so I thought i'd come develop them,"
Sakura danced in excitement, "let me print some too!!"
I nodded "Just choose which ones you want and give me the money later."
We sat there choosing out of the many pictures we took, it turned out we printed rather a lot.
I paid for my half as she paid for hers, "weren't as much as I thought!!" Sakura smiled. "Yeah... I thought it would be more".
"So what are you doing now?" Sakura asked. "I have to post a letter for my mum, then i'm going home." I said.
"Oh? So you won't stay for a drink with me? We could go costa or starbucks!"
I looked at her, I wanted to refuse her, clearly because I don't want to get too close, but... "Okey then, sounds good."

We had posted the letter and soon found ourselves sat down with a hot drink. "Ino... Are you still feeling troubled...?" Sakura suddenly came out with. I gasped "h-huh?".
"You're just, a bit distant thats all..." She sighed. "I'm worried for you..."
I looked away "it's nothing" I lied "I still feel a little under the weather, it's nothing else."
Although she could see through my lies she let it slip. I wondered why she hadn't brought it up last night up, surely she would guess that it's my forbidden love that is dragging me down. But, either way... I will avoid it as much as I can- if she finds out my nightmares will become reality and I really will lose her...

After we drank our drinks we walked home together, chatting about random stuff. When we had reached Sakura's we said our goodbyes, "Oh.. By the way." She looked at me as she stood behind her door "It would be nice if we did go out like TenTen suggested, perhaps we could stay at one another's after?" Sakura smiled.
"Sounds good, I'll message TenTen later on!"
Sakura nodded as she then closed the door. I frowned slightly "I wish I could just tell her" I whispered as I walked on home. Shortly after I had arrived and was tackled by my mother , "OUCH!" I groaned. "ah gomen!! I forgot about your hip! I just missed you thats all..." She squeezed me tightly before letting me go. "You got them developed?" She asked. I got them out and she took them as soon as her sight was on them, I looked at her "Not all of them are yours you know!" I pouted.
We both sat down as we looked at them, sorting each others lot out.
Mum had pointed out a really nice one of me and Sakura, I took it in my hands and stared at the picture. I thought about how happy we looked, and how much more happier I could really be if I was with her. "Hey mum... TenTen wanted me and Sakura to go out one night, when is the nearest day we can?" I looked up at her. "Ohh?" She walked to where she kept her routa "Next weekend, you thinking of her staying round that night too?" She asked.
She nodded "Sure!"
A smile grew on my face as I took my phone out texting TenTen 'Hey girl!!! Sorry I only just got in touch! How does next weekend sound for all us girls getting together??? Lemme know!!! Xxx'.
I smiled, I felt excited about this! A buzz went through my body as I jumped up in excitement "Perhaps I can find a girl mum!! I mean. Theres no point in chasing after what I really want is there?"
My mum looked at me shocked "I-i know you just want to be happy Ino, but... Just wanting to try and move on doesn't always work... Blocking out your previous feelings don't work."
I looked down and sighed "Guess your right, perhaps when we've had some drinks i'll drop off hints about things.." I sat back down. "Perhaps ask her if she likes anybody"
"But then you'd be making it so she destroys your feelings unintentionally.." She sat next to me hugging me.
"Thats the idea..."

Forbidden love ~ A Sakuino (Sakura x ino) fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now