Part twelve

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Part 12~

The day went by perfectly, we had plenty of customers and none of them were grumpy! Times that there wasn't a customer I gossiped with Sakura, sadly that would only be for about five minutes or so... But being able to spend time with her was enough for me. At lunch time Mother made a lovely soup, it tasted amazing and Sakura even agreed to that! Mother watched over me, and I caught her smiling at me causing me to blush, i knew exactly what she was smiling about. Yes, I really do like Sakura, and even though it's difficult not to say anything I wanted to treasure every moment I had with her, I didn't want to lose her like I did in my dream. If i had lost her again what would happen?! Would I be falling like in my dream? Falling into a world of emptiness? With nobody to catch me? Nobody to hold me...

I shook my head as we got back to work, there was four hours left until the shop would close. We had finished sorting all the new flowers into bunches, in fact we had sold about 3/4 of them!!! I looked at the remaining bunches, "I can't believe we sold so many today! Must be a lucky day for us!" I giggled. Sakura and my Mum agreed, "They are always so popular when they're new in" my mum said.

I looked at Sakura as she spread the bunch of flowers evenly across the display "if we don't sell them all, I'd like to take a bunch home for my mother" she smiled at a bunch as if she had found the perfect flowers.

"Sakura, if you have a bunch you like then save them in the back room" my mother walked over to Sakura "I mean, I doubt we'll sell them all, but if I'm correct it seems you like the bunch in front of you?"

Sakura blushed lightly "Yes, i'd like to save these ones very much"

My mother had picked the bunch up "then I shall go put them in some water in the back room, won't be a second."

She walked out the room as Sakura re-joined me behind the counter. We exchanged smiles, and it was a little awkward... Was this because we were alone? Did she want to ask me something? Or say something to me???

I went to open my mouth to say something but she beat me to it "it's good to see you're better now, I was really worried about you Ino-Chan" she looked down "but I saw you was happy today and just assumed you was better, but... I wanted to make sure of it," she looked back up at me "You are alright, aren't you?"

I looked at her a little shocked as I bit the inside of my lip, was I okay? I don't know, I was aware that I wasn't happy. But I was also aware that I could cope. I nodded "Sakura, i'm fine. Please, don't worry so much!" I smiled.

She smiled back a little, which I knew it meant that she wasn't fully reinsured, but I avoided it. If I went on she might have asked about who I loved, and there is no way I could tell her! But she shook her head "Are you sure...?"

I guessed she wasn't going to give up so I told a little while lie "the guy i like... He's already in love with someone else, so i'm just not going to bother..."

I think this will work!!

I looked at Sakura and she looked sorry for me, before I knew it she had wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. "S-sakura?!"

"Ino-Chan, i'm so sorry to hear that... But i'll be here to support you! No matter what! I promise!"

I smiled and put my arms around her too "thank you, Sakura."

I wanted this hug to last forever, and I wanted to be able to say 'SAKURA! It's you I love!" I wanted to declare my love to her so much...

She pulled away from the hug and looked at me "i'll support you also when it comes to sorting things out with Shikamaru, alright?"

Shikamaru... Oh, I feel so terrible. He must think he's done something wrong. I looked down. "Oh, poor Shikamaru... He must be so confused... Unless he really is still in love with that other girl."

Sakura tilted her head to the side in question "Temari?"

I nodded, "I already told you it's what I thought."

We both sighed, at that moment my Mother had walked back in. "Alright Sakura i've sorted the flowers out for you." She sang. "Ahh, thank you Miss Yamanaka!" She bowed and my Mother returned it back.

The rest of the day went quite slowly, I decided to keep to myself as I decided to clean around the shop whilst Mother and Sakura sold more flowers.

I went into another daydream....

~ Everybody around me had hated me, they shoved me out the way telling me that they thought I was disgusting. "Eww you like girls?!" "How could you go out with guys to cover up your feelings for girls?!" I put my hands over my ears as I carried on pushing through the shoving crowd. I could see their angry and disgusted faces, with what looked like would be violent words moving from their lips. I saw Temari holding onto Shikamaru as she came up to me shouting words i could not hear. I stopped and screamed, my screams would not stop as they echoed through and through the crowd, people dashed away from me until I was alone, i fell to my knees knowing full aware I was not accepted. ~

I shook my head, I know my day dream was a bit over exaggerative but something like this would happen if people did not accept me, I looked at the spot I had cleaned a number of times as it shone, guess I must have scrubbed it so many times. I stood up and thought to myself 'i will not let this daydream ruin my good day!" I smiled as I ran over to the CD player and had put on some Pop music. I giggled as I danced around the room, mum and Sakura giggled too and joined in. The last few hours flew right by, I... Guess it was time for Sakura to go home now...

I stretched as I saw Sakura come back into the room with her flowers, I looked at her "Day off tomorrow!!" She nodded and giggled "YES!!" She then lowered her tone "perhaps you should talk to Shikamaru tomorrow.."

Both her and I know that I didn't want to, but i nodded anyway. "Yeah..."

She smiled and hugged me gently with the flowers between us "If you need me afterwards just call me okay?" I nodded. She pulled away then bowed "Goodbye Mrs Yamanka, see you soon Ino!" And with that she left.

I stood there, thinking to myself what is in store for tomorrow...I waved at my Mum "i'll go text Shikamaru" she nodded as I went upstairs, i pulled my phone from out my drawer and sat there staring at the blank screen. "What... Do I put...?"

Forbidden love ~ A Sakuino (Sakura x ino) fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now