Poem Four ♬ - The Strongest Bond

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My dear friend.
Who was with me a shortly after I came here.
Who holds my strongest bond of love, trust, and kindness.

You introduced me to so much,
And I have to say "Thank you,"
Even though I never have.

Thank you for existing.
Thank you for being you.
Thank you for making me who I am.

If anyone bullied you,
Oh, that day would be hell for them.
I have no doubt you could make them see that yourself,
But I love you, and would do anything for you.

You are my best friend.
If you died, I would break,
Never to be whole again.

We understand each other.
More than once we were thinking the exact same thing.
Irish Twins, we're called.
For our bond will never break for anything, nor anyone.

For the strongest bond of all?
To me, that is the bond of siblings.
No one can take first priority but you.

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