Poem Twenty-Six ♬ - The Deadly Fuse

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Normally, I can say I'm calm, collected,
But once that deadly fuse is lit, forget it.
Once covered by dark water,
It turns darker, to oil consumed in fire.

Under the careful water shroud,
a fire burns, at times it can be loud.
At times, the fury can be quick, fast.
Others, that limit I am pushed past.

To the fire and oil, I will lose control,
The water buried in the turmoil.
Watch out, or my flame will consume,
For here, in my heart, that flame is no costume.

I am a peaceful heart,
But once the deadly fuse is lit, I'm torn apart.
I don't want to slap or pound,
Yet that's what happened to me, who no longer is on solid ground.

The water that turned to oil, it's all but gone,
It tries to clear me of the danger I've donned,
As I try and turn the pain back around at you.
The taunts, I no longer see the calm blue.

I have thorns, I can be mean, cruel.
I am always ready if you wish to duel.
I'll make you regret this choice,
Yet I never can, stuck in my poise, caught on my voice.

The deadly fuse hardly ever gets lit,
But there's a reason for me to keep it cold, contained, unlit.
I don't like my dark water turning toxic.
That is when I've lost it.

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