Poem Eighteen ♬ - This Is My Everstone

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This is the way I am,
The way I hope I stay,
This is what I am.

I just have to hope that,
Even with my Everstone,
I learn, I grow,
All but get lost, my passion gone.

This Everstone will keep me,
Well, it will keep me, me.
Even if I've outgrown its practical use long ago.

This stone,
It looks normal, right?
Maybe a fraction sparkly,
Though, not flashy.

This is my Everstone.
"If held, prevents a Pokémon from evolving."
That is what it does.

But who am I,
He or she who holds it?

There is no gain,
For I am a Charizard.
I can't evolve anymore.
Why would I hold such a useless item?

Three words.

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