Poem Twenty ♬ - Cautious To The Point Of Secrecy

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Watching, making sure no one can see me.
Which is a lie, which is true?
Latching closed the box of secrecy.
What would I do, if the one seeing the contents was you?

Hiding the box, no eyes seeing.
Where are they, the wired and the organic eyes?
The box comes back, calls me to the meeting.
Is it the same, between the girls and guys?

I am cautious, maybe too much so.
Cautious to the point of secrecy.
I am watching where everything goes.
This isn't the way I should be.

My life, my personality, my mind,
I can taste freedom, but what's this?
My carefully made shroud is too binding!
There must be something I've missed!

I am quiet, a listener, an observer, but here.
My personality is with the wind, open, blunt, and nice
Wait, what's that? Over there?
Something has been covered in ice.

It says something.
"You aren't alone, yet you are."
Looking around, I see no one, nothing.
Yet, I feel it, a stare.

I look around once more,
I see the TV.
Was it there before?
The wired stare, I feel it watching me.

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