Poem Sixty-Two ♬ - The Bliss

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It seems to be true, what they say,
Ignorance is bliss, at the end of the day.

But we know, too, how valuable knowledge is;
What could be worse than not knowing, and the bliss?

But with the ignorance,
Or even the innocence,

One can be free, and not know that liberty.
You don't know what you are meant to be.

But knowledge draws so many choices near.
Choices that are small, others we hold so dear.

Others that we might dread,
Some that might wish our will dead,

Or even imprisoned, the will barely functioning.
I refuse to live under this mental conditioning.

But that's what conformity and expectation are for, aren't they?
To remove the trouble, just one more day.

And it's a maze we are trapped inside.
All of us in a daze, we can only hope to confide

In each other,
sister or brother,

Until we can leave it all razed in fire.
This is our crazed desire.

May 21, 2018
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A kind of vent poem, I guess. Oh look, it's actually vague! Shocker.
Just some things I feel I need to get out. Back to square one on life.

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