Poem Thirty-One ♬ - Confidence

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Confidence stands,
Just as a sturdy brick wall.
When you're backed up to it,
Nothing you feel can tear you down.

Confidence will keep you,
Even in the most choking fear.
You can be confident you'll have the sweet release of death after a long life,
You can be sure you can survive the worst storm, physical or emotional.

One man's confidence,
It is another man's inspiration.
For if you see someone striding another way you wish to go,
You will follow and share in his confidence.

Uncertainty will be a vine that invades the stone,
But in the end, nothing can break it.
The brick will only look stronger,
And of course, more unique.

Carpe Diem. Seize the day.
Take that chance,
Take that risk,
And do what you wish.

No one can hold you back except yourself.
Yourself, and you're ties.
Trust me, I know.
Get out of that hole, and live.

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