Poem Sixteen ♬ - Tired

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Why am I tired?
I don't want to sleep,
Nor do I want to do what I should.

Why is it this way?
I'm not sad, depressed.
I'm happy,
But what's come over me?

Am I bored?
Is my summer routine getting lame?

Uncertainty is what it's turned into.
I'm unsure why I'm now this way.
I've had giant breaks from my 'work,'
My workouts, my writing, my Minecrafting.

All I do now is YouTube.
YouTube and Skyrim.
Who has taken over me? This isn't the me I know.

There's one way out.
I've got to wake up.
Wake up, regain myself.

When I wake up,
I'll be alive.
I'll be confident.
Most of all, I'll be me.

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