Poem Seven ♬ - Birds of The Night

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This is for my fellow Nightingales ;) If you know what that means, shadow hide you, my friend.

Birds come and call,
Their tunes, all,
From spring to fall.

But there is one,
She is the leader. 
The leader of none.

Who is she?
The ones who follow, theive.
Though none shall know their key.

The night is her realm,
The realm, though without a proud helm.

The mythic trio are her champions of the night.
Even though her sister brings the twilight.
Who is this, the being without traditional might?

She is the one who is mysterious.
The one who leads us.

Shadows hide you, my brother.
For with this job,
Protection comes from no other.

Shadows guide you, my sister.
For when you are in a twister,
May you be ever in her favor.

We are the Birds of the Night,
Darkness is our home, yet we bring no fright.
Our tactic is to vanish mid-flight.

But only to strike again.
For we shall be the ones who regain.
We do not fail, complain.

We have sharp talons,
Strong and dangerous, like a falcon's.
Our storm is worse,
Especially when we aren't striking your coin purse.

In the day, we are like you:
Doing normal things, like you do.
But when the sun goes down, below the blue?

We dawn our cloaks and hoods,
Our Lady of Luck watching us grab the goods,
Slipping into the bar, or the woods.

The Cowl,
The Crown,
And the Key.

These are her gifts, you see.
Dressed in night's gown,
Watching us stalk through the night, prowl.

Nocturnal, Lady Luck, the patron of thieves.
The Hold guard's biggest pet peeves.

And we are her Nightingales,
Secretly, we prevail
Under night's veil.
From the Reach to the Pale,
We will have your valubles, never to fail.

"Sleep silent, die swift," I've heard.
Then again, birds hear every word.

May your path lead you to warm sands, friend.
Up until the very end,
May you make the rules bend
With your passing.

Poem/Song by Dar'Elaraya of Torval
Dar'Elaraya: Should this one make more faction songs/poems?

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